WARNING: This book uses naughty language, explores adult concepts, and shows a boob or three. For this reason, PunkApocalyptic: The RPG might not be appropriate for everyone and is intended for immature audiences of 16 years and older.
Picked up the PDF of this and started reading through it, so far it's like Gamma World, dialed up way past 11. I'm fairly certain, I will have run this at some point for our group. While I'm not one who generally goes in for the bottom of the barrel fun, this looks like it would be a blast with the right folks. Might even have to throw something together for Gary Con 2021. Mwahahahahahahaha!

Excerpt and overall concept of the game:
Just like in SotDL, "classes" for character run from the entry level Novice, through Expert, and up to Master, a system that pulls profession from Warhammer and then some.The world as we know it is gone. The why and how is subject to debate, but there are few left who have either the time or ability to wax philosophical about it. All that’s left is an extremely dangerous place, which, depending upon your point of view, is either a reeking open sewer, a radioactive shithole rife with wasting disease and lingering death, or a desperate place of hunger and want where anyone will trade anything or kill anybody just to survive one more day.
Actually, your point of view doesn’t matter. It’s all these things. And so much worse.
Deadly and violent, much of the world has become a deserted, barren land dotted with the remnants of whatever came before. The Wasteland, as it’s called, though, is not as empty as it might seem. Here live the wretched descendants of the undesirables, the impoverished, the castoffs, and every other asshole deemed unsuitable for entry into the great and mythical Megalopoli: fabulous domed cities built during civilization’s collapse that became more myth than reality to most of the rugged shitkickers trying to scratch out a living in the Wasteland. Oh, yeah… the mutants live here too—but we’ll talk about them later.
And last, but not least, I definitely have to say I approve of the unique title used for the "bestiary" section of the book, haha.