Recently, feeling a bit Tookish, I spent an indulgent number of hours- which will remain nameless for legal purposes, creating a short index of what I feel are very elvish names. They are vaguely based on Sanskrit mixed with Welsh Guidelines, which I will annotate with suggested pronunciation as best I understand or can remember the Welsh guidelines. Therefore, in no particular order...
Anaanda [Aw NAWn duh] / Ashtee or Ashtyyth / Darnwyth [DARN wee(th)] / Nandikesh / Vyawnaanish [Vyaw NAW nish] / Nysharaagyl [???] / Twyvaalnick [Toy VAWl nik] / Anwilaan / Antwritam [Awn TOO ritam] / Nwsgaarthym [Noos GAWR heem] / Vlonaanysh [Vlaw NAW nish] / Ninsgwrr [NEEN skoor] / Hyrdaanyn [Heer DAW neen] / Twyviyaata [Toy vee AW tuh] / Srwctaana [Sruk TAWn uh] / Asaaran / Alnaanish / Lawnaanish / Ayaallan / Andinaan / Pyralaanda [Peer uh LAWN duh]/ Pyraanan / Pylaalw [Pee LAW lew] / Laylaanda / Atallaana / Baganaanda / Acathaanwr [Awk uh THAWN oor] / Bothgallwnn [Boh th GAW lewn] / Bothryynda [Boh th REEN duh] / Prathryrol [???] / Grwnaathyl [Gruh NAW theel] / Glanaanthwr [Glaw NAWN thoor] / Agraanws [Aw GRAW noos] / Scwthraanda [Skuth RAWN duh] / Cwrnyythwn [Kur NEE thoon] / Dagwnaanda [Dag oo NAWN duh] / Dagwthaaryn [Dag ooth AWR in] / Ornaanda / Bryth-laallwn [Bruth LAW lloon] / Drwth-yllaan [DREWth EE llawn] / Nyngaala [Nuhn GAW luh] / Nythaanwr [Nuth AWN oor] / Corthwlaan [KOR thuh lawn] / Galwvaanthyr [=worshipful mace; Gaw luh VAWN theer] / Asrwngaalwn [Aw sruh nGAW loon] / Corthwllaalon [Kor thuh LAW lun] / Addylaanwr [Awd duh LAWN oor] / Asrwngaallwnn [Awss run GAW lloon] / Athyllwnn [AWth uh lloon] or Athylwn [=of the dawn; AWth uh lloon] / Athylanaandyr [Aw thul u NAWn deer] / Thylnaanwn [Thuhl NAW noon] / Thanaanda / Thwylanaandwr [???] / Thalaaly [Thawl AW lee] / Gatha- [=strong] / Gathynaadwnn [Gawth uh NAW doon] / Gadynaathwn [Gaw duh NAW thoon] / Thwydaarwn [=bright, lusterous; Thuhy DAW roon] / Garvaanwth [=proud; Gawr VAW nooth] / Laal- [=beloved] / Gythorial [=song; Gu thOR yawl] / Gagaanthyr [=sky; Gaw GAN theer] / Lotha- [=iron] / Gargathaanwr [=strong, bull; Gawr guh THAWn oor] / Garvaandwr [=vanity; Gawr VAWN dewr] / Lath- [=profit] / Laggynaanda [=ascendant; Lawg guh NAWn duh] / Laganaanthyr [=ascendant; Law gaw NAWn theer] / Lalthaalthyr [=gift of gods, attractive; Lawl THAWL theer] / Lavwnaanthyr [=handsome; Law voo NAWn theer] / Lohith- [=beautiful] / Fallwdaanyr [Faw lluh DAWN eer] / Lambythaanwn [=upon whom much depends; Lawm buh THAW noon] / Lathcwlaanyr [Lawth koo LAWN eer] / Nara- [=man, self] / Nanu- [=pet] / Nath- [=lord/chief] / Nathvynaanthyr [Nawth vuh NAWn theer] / Nathnavaan- [=boatmaster] / Navynaandyr [=champion; Naw vuh NAWn deer] / Ninydaalthyr [=lapping water; Nee nuh DAWL theer] / Nitha- [=leader] / Nivynaandyr [=holy; Nee vuh NAWn deer] / Naga- [=serpent] / Mannylaanwr [=bird; Mawn nuh LAW noor] / Mala- [=first born] / Raama- [=pleasing] / Malyraamthyr [Mawl uh RAWM theer]
Still a bit of a work in progress. And they are meant to be somewhat genderless, as how I like to think on the Sidhe [SHEE] race. Feel free to add to the list!
Naming of the Sidhe... (ie the Elves)
- rredmond
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That's a really cool list actually.
I always thought the Sidhe as more Celtic in origin, though it could be me seeing it from an Irish-American point of view. But I also don't know how much Welsh and Celtic origins mix. I'll be stealing this list of names for sure, thank you!
I always thought the Sidhe as more Celtic in origin, though it could be me seeing it from an Irish-American point of view. But I also don't know how much Welsh and Celtic origins mix. I'll be stealing this list of names for sure, thank you!
Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now!
Thanks, rredmond. Glad you enjoyed my submission, and very gratified you find the list steal-worthy! The Welsh language is in fact a branch of the Celtic language, along with Manx (Isle of Man) and Brithonnic(sp?) and maybe even Cornish? I consider it to be essentially what was spoken in England prior to the Roman invasion. On the other side is Scots Gaelic and Irish. The two branches are referred to as P-Celtic and Q-Celtic, but I can never remember which is which. I'm much less familiar with Welsh than with Irish and Scots Gaelic, but generally when I see names like Balquhidder, Traquhair, Colquhon, I think of those as British Celtic in origin, or Pictish in the case of these Scottish names.
I find the Welsh very soft and throaty and even more melodic then the Scots Gaelic and Irish. But since the Sidhe, or people of the mounds, would not themselves be Celtic, the use of Sanskrit roots seems very apropos. And maybe a little Tolkinesque...

Thanks again for your feedback!
I find the Welsh very soft and throaty and even more melodic then the Scots Gaelic and Irish. But since the Sidhe, or people of the mounds, would not themselves be Celtic, the use of Sanskrit roots seems very apropos. And maybe a little Tolkinesque...
Thanks again for your feedback!
rredmond wrote: ↑May 19th, 2020, 9:10 am That's a really cool list actually.
I always thought the Sidhe as more Celtic in origin, though it could be me seeing it from an Irish-American point of view. But I also don't know how much Welsh and Celtic origins mix. I'll be stealing this list of names for sure, thank you!
- rredmond
- Level 5: Delver
- Posts: 163
- Joined: December 28th, 2024, 9:13 am
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Thank you Wesley! Interesting stuff.
Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now!
- Necron 99
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Fan-effing-tastic post Lord Walker, I'm sure the huldrefolk would approve.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien
- Level 6: Adventurer
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- Joined: December 9th, 2018, 2:19 pm
Ditto!—it’s an excellent list. Thank you

Allan Grohe
Editor and Project Manager for my Greyhawk site for my blog, From Kuroth's Quill
Allan Grohe
Editor and Project Manager for my Greyhawk site for my blog, From Kuroth's Quill