Sryth: A text based RPG

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Necron 99
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Post March 22nd, 2019, 3:20 pm

I stumbled onto a browser based RPG the other day that seems like it would be fun to play. I'd not heard of it prior, but when I was looking at Kickstarter games, this one popped up under the electronic game section and I was surprised to see that it was fully funded at about $30k. The funding wasn't to produce the game, which is normally the case, it was simply to support the game developer for another year. I assume from the fan base it already has, the game must be fairly fun.

Feel free to check it out HERE.
Sryth is a single-player fantasy RPG you play right in your web browser. It's FREE to sign up and play!

'Sryth' is also the name of the world in which the game takes place.

The word 'Sryth' is pronounced in one fell syllable, with the 's' and the 'r' blending together and the 'y' producing a short sound, as in the word 'myth'.

An Epic Single-Player RPG Experience
In Sryth, you'll assume the role of a brave adventurer (a character you'll create and customize) and will then set out in search of fame, fortune, and of course...adventure! However, you're not just any ordinary adventurer...

In Sryth, the game's events, adventures, and storylines revolve around you. You're the main character -- perhaps the greatest adventurer since the glory days of Tallys -- and your actions and decisions will not only shape your destiny, but perhaps alter the course of history!
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Necron 99
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Post April 6th, 2019, 11:25 am

I started playing Sryth today and only about 20min into the game, I'm digging this quite a bit. I'm still learning everything, but the interface is so fantastic, you can learn just about anything right on the screen with just a click. It's not hard to see why the kickstarter was funded for such an amount. One thing of note, the free account only gets ONE character to play. When I started today, there was an option to purchase a life-time membership for the "upgraded account" at a cost of $10, so I figured why the heck not. It said that it was on sale and the normal price to upgrade was $30, which imo seemed a bit expensive for the type of game it is. I mean it's great for a text based RPG, but I don't know if I would have ever considered paying that much. Aside from granting more character slots, upgrading gives you some special benefits like starting gold and experience, special items, and access to exclusive adventures and other parts of the game, though I don't know how extensive all of that is.

Ok, back my first play session.

I chose to randomly roll my character and was pretty happy with the results for stats, of which there are several. You can roll as much as you like until you get stats that feel comfortable for the type of character you want to make. Each stat is explained when you click on the info icon, it tells you how the mechanics work within the game. I also selected four starting skills (not sure if you gain more as you level up) and went with Arcana (spell casting), Lore (knowing of things and stuff), Weaponry (combat related), and Woodsmanship (wilderness based). Because my Arcana was high enough I was able to select a starting school of magic and I show Gating, which are spells related to teleporting and magical travel. It sounded cool and different, so I thought why the heck not.

After all was said and done my character looked like this:


After finishing up my character and selecting skills, I was thrown right into the game. The intro is pretty normal for a text based game, it sets you up with the whys and hows. One of the things I really like is how some of the text is underlined, meaning it has lore/info within the game. You can click on the underlined text and a separate window will open, giving the player specific information. In the image below, I clicked on the location and it gave me the info on the surrounding area.


There was also an option to open up the map, which was also pretty awesome. I dig the that it is hex-based.


To get the player into the thick of things, there is a starting encounter that appears to be normal for all new characters. I made a second character just to see and everything started off in the same fashion. To continue, after an initial encounter, you will find yourself in the starting town. Once you arrive, there are several options from which you can choose. One thing to note, at the top of the screen you can see [SAFE] in green. You can only save your games in an area/screen that is denoted as safe and you should always save before quitting or else you'll start back from the last save point when you log back into the game.

Here's a screen of how it looks:


For fun, I decided to click on the options of "Approach a man who seems to be watching you...". The man said he had an item he thought I might be interested in and asked if I would like to see it. I said that I would and he presented me with what appeared to be a magic sword. He offered to sell it to me for 100 gp, which seemed pretty cheap, so I bought it, <shrug> why not. I have a sneaking suspicion there might be more to this than just a magic sword but I guess we'll have to see further into the game.


A couple of other aspects that I thought were cool, you can have both Mounts and Residence in the game. I'll have to try this out and see how much it adds to the game, it's a nifty concept.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Necron 99
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Post April 6th, 2019, 11:30 am

Oh yeah, one other thing I thought was awesome, you can see other players who have been in your location, at least in the towns. I clicked on the option for "Adventurers recently here" and the following popped up:


That's pretty neat. :thumbup:
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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