Old Notebooks

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Necron 99
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Post August 12th, 2023, 6:52 pm

I was rummaging through the bottom drawer of the bin that sits under my desk, when I found three notebooks buried under a bunch of other stuff. I recognized them as various ones I had at least 20 years ago, around the early 2ks. Notebooks were my go to for gaming notes and thoughts before I started going digital with an iPad.

I pulled these notebooks out and flipped through to see what I had written down, I was not disappointed. Massive nostalgia wave for sure.

The first notebook, which was also the smallest happened to be the oldest. I recognized information in there about the original Everquest online game, which came out in 1999 and became super popular through the middle of the early 2000s. Also within this notebook, I found:
  • Notes pertaining to an AD&D 2e campaign I had planned, surrounding a small town called Eastlit and a larger city which I called Morningstar.
  • Ability stats for a Dwarven Cleric
  • A list of favorite character names, which I still use to this day
  • Some notes jotted down for the original Sovereign Stone RPG by Larry Elmore, Don Perrin, and Margaret Weis, which we never played
  • Homebrew rules for AD&D 2e, determining random encounters by having players and DM roll a d6, each, and if any of the dice rolled by players match the DM, an encounter occurs. :lol:
  • A short blurb/introduction for a campaign idea called The Last Horizon
  • Information for a campaign-based website (back before blogs became the fad)
  • DM notes on player character stats for 4 of players of our old group (including Ancalagon)
  • DM notes on player actions which earned the group XP
  • DM notes for monster encounters
  • Notes on an idea I had for an adventure surrounding a cursed magic item called, Mion's Rose
  • Player notes for a Bard character, when I played in someone else's game
The second notebook I started around the beginning of 2004, because on one of the first pages, I wrote down the date, 3-29-2004. :tup:
Inside this notebook was the following:
  • The very first page had notes on a campaign I had planned to develop called, "Starfall"
  • Several of the pages after were filled out with information on one of my favorite self-designed adventures, Bandits in Blackwillow, which I ran with either AD&D 2e or Hackmaster, I don't recall exactly
  • Some notes where I tried to created an RPG based on the Ultima fantasy series of computer games
  • A list of mechanics and aspects which I had planned to poll on Dragonsfoot in an effort to homebrew my "perfect" edition of AD&D 2e
  • Notes for a winter themed adventure
  • A list of valid classes and kits for AD&D 2e
  • Several pages with ideas for designing my own fantasy RPG :lol:
  • The title for something called Midnight Crusade but no further info
At this point, the next entry dated 9-18-06, is about halfway through the book. The rest of the notebook is filled with:
  • Several pages of notes for, again, designing my own fantasy RPG, mostly inspired by AD&D from what I can tell
  • A small double-sided pocket which contain: 2 pieces of paper with geographic landmasses drawn; one of which has the words "Horns of the North" and an arrow pointing at two semi-circular peninsulas in what I assume was the northern part of the continent. There are also three sheets of graph paper with hand drawn maps of various areas/dungeons from my Bandits in Blackwillow adventure.
  • Notes for running a hybrid game using Hackmaste and AD&D2e
  • More hand drawn maps with side notes for the Blackwillow adventure
  • Some notes and stats from a group of PCs from an AD&D based game
  • And finally one page of stats for what looks like a character from TSR's Marvel Superheroes
The third notebook appears the be the most current, based on the only date in it, 10-11-10. This one has the least amount of actual notes in it, but does have several pages where I continued jotting down ideas for my own custom fantasy-based RPG which, at the time, I titled, "Classic Fantasy RPG". :lol:

This appears to the be the last time I was using notebooks to keep track of hobby related and similar information. Looking back on it now, I should have never quit. Yeah, a digital device is nice, especially for PDFs of RPGs and things, but taking notes on a device just doesn't hold the same weight or sentiment as hand writing things down in notebook.

I think it's time for me to pick this habit back up. However this go round, I may try to do more than just write down gaming and hobby related information. I might take a shot at just writing down day to day thoughts or experiences, something that I can pull out in another 20 years and look back on, fondly.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post August 13th, 2023, 4:10 pm

Good find!
Necron 99 wrote: August 12th, 2023, 6:52 pm I was rummaging through the bottom drawer of the bin that sits under my desk, when I found three notebooks buried under a bunch of other stuff. I recognized them as various ones I had at least 20 years ago, around the early 2ks. Notebooks were my go to for gaming notes and thoughts before I started going digital with an iPad.


The second notebook I started around the beginning of 2004, because on one of the first pages, I wrote down the date, 3-29-2004. :tup:
Inside this notebook was the following:
  • The very first page had notes on a campaign I had planned to develop called, "Starfall"
  • Several of the pages after were filled out with information on one of my favorite self-designed adventures, Bandits in Blackwillow, which I ran with either AD&D 2e or Hackmaster, I don't recall exactly
  • Some notes where I tried to created an RPG based on the Ultima fantasy series of computer games
  • A list of mechanics and aspects which I had planned to poll on Dragonsfoot in an effort to homebrew my "perfect" edition of AD&D 2e
  • Notes for a winter themed adventure
  • A list of valid classes and kits for AD&D 2e
  • Several pages with ideas for designing my own fantasy RPG :lol:
  • The title for something called Midnight Crusade but no further info

This appears to the be the last time I was using notebooks to keep track of hobby related and similar information. Looking back on it now, I should have never quit. Yeah, a digital device is nice, especially for PDFs of RPGs and things, but taking notes on a device just doesn't hold the same weight or sentiment as hand writing things down in notebook.

I think it's time for me to pick this habit back up. However this go round, I may try to do more than just write down gaming and hobby related information. I might take a shot at just writing down day to day thoughts or experiences, something that I can pull out in another 20 years and look back on, fondly.
Emphasis mine.
You ran Bandits of Blackwillow for the Valdosta gang using HackMaster 4e. I ran the infamously unlucky hobbit fighter, Bonecrusher Boggins. :lol:

I make notes all the time on paper using fountain pens or quality rollerball pens. Besides keeping me from having to remember every gaming-related thought that pops into head, it keeps my penmanship in good form. Plus, I enjoy a good fountain / rollerball pen. 8-)
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

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Necron 99
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Post August 13th, 2023, 9:02 pm

Today Jen needed to hit up OfficeMax to get some school supplies for her classroom. I tagged along and picked up a small, 5x7 notebook (with a small pocket/folder inside), and a 2-pack of Zebra blue-ink pens (my choice in pens). I will be storing this in the front pocket of my backpack and using it to jot down more thoughts/notes.

The one I bought is just a small, inexpensive notebook, but I did see another style from another brand, that was 6x9 with the ivory colored page. I had one like that years ago; I may pick one of those up next time I'm down that way again.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post August 15th, 2023, 2:13 pm

Midnight Crusade wouldn't happen to be the Midnight game you ran for us in Valdosta would it? The timing is about right.
“May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.” -Malcom Reynolds

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Necron 99
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Post August 20th, 2023, 4:09 pm

I thought about that that too. It makes sense, but I know I was running the intro adventure that came with one of the books, so I'm not sure if that was a reference to starting Midnight or something else entirely.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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