Swords and Wizardry Box Set

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Necron 99
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Post November 9th, 2019, 2:26 pm

Ran across a post from Tenkar's Tavern, in which Eric talks about the upcoming plans for a Swords and Wizardry Box Set. S&W is one of the few OSR games, I like. The S&W Complete rule set is a pretty good book if you want an updated system that holds the spirit of TSR's (A)D&D. I like the idea of having a box set and will probably get it when available.

From the Tenkar's Tavern site:
It's no secret that Swords & Wizardry is getting a new shiny coat in 2020. The plans that have already been discussed in public include:

- One ruleset to rule them all. White Box and Core will no longer be supported. Swords & Wizardry Complete will be rebranded Swords & Wizardry (yes, Swords & Wizardry Light will still be supported, but its an intro to the fuller Swords & Wizardry game).

- Boxed set. This has been asked for for years and I am eagerly awaiting it :)

- Digest sized and multiple books, much like the Orignal White Box. With room in the box for further digest-sized books.

Needless to say, Gamehole Con got my creative juices flowing. I have a list of projects I'd like to work on, with the intent of having some of these ready to go with the launch of the Swords & Wizardry Kickstarter. The list is fairly long, but the idea is with months before launch, if I work daily on whichever pieces inspire me that day, I'll have some of this ready in time for launch.

Here's the current list (I started working on a new Bard class last night). Much of this will get seen first here on the blogside of things. When released all would be in digest-sized. 4-page releases would be PDF only but easily printed at home double-sided and digest-sized. Note, it is very much an outline/todo list at this point.

New Spells for all levels (with Bad Mike) - I've been enjoying the process of rewriting 1e spells and creating new ones
Magic-user 1-9 (level 1 is done)
Cleric 1-7
Druid. 1-7
New Magic Items - I've been doing this for years and sharing here, but I've also been adding new items at convention sessions I've run
Unique magic
From Blog
From Cons
Relics? / Artifacts?

New Classes - started the bard (and wrote a prior version of the class way back in Knockspell 6)
Elementalist - from blog
Flesh out for S&W (written for SWCL)
Demi-Options (race-based classes)

New Creatures & Adversaries (I already have the art and a handful of creatures already written for the undead book)

Undead - (with Glen) release as a themed book

Others - From the blog
Convert to S&W from SWCL
Also, write new ones
Good, Bad & Ugly?

Zine (heavily leaning towards monthly)
4-page digest monthly?
16 page quarterly?
Community (its been asked for - details still need to be worked out)
Tenkar’s Community graphic for releases from Discord Community publishers

Adventures (looking at 4 digest-sized pages)

Pocket Settings (thinking more genre than setting with the idea of showing the versatility of the S&W rules)
16 page setting / genre books
Explore horror / swords & planet / sci-fi / sci-fantasy, etc
Could be 16 page setting / 16 page rules / classes / spells / etc

Reboot Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day (this will be community-driven and probably timed to coincide with the launch of the Kickstarter) Launch zine on said day

There is also some podcast discussion if anyone cares to listen:
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post November 22nd, 2019, 9:39 pm

So is Matt Finch no longer involved with S&W anymore??

Allan Grohe
Editor and Project Manager

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Necron 99
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Post November 23rd, 2019, 8:24 am

grodog wrote: November 22nd, 2019, 9:39 pm So is Matt Finch no longer involved with S&W anymore??

Not sure Allan, but I get the impression he still is. It sounds to me like everyone in the realms of S&W is just going to come together to create the one rule set to publish and use as the face of S&W going forward. I believe there was a post/video I made a while back that was actually from Matt's vlog/cast that mentioned the possibility of an upcoming box set.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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