Combat began with initiative. I typically have the player to my immediate left roll the d6 for the party while I roll for the opponents. That player rolls each round until he gets a 1 on the die. At that point, the party initiative die passes to the next player on the left and so on. For this game session, the player to my immediate left was my dad. I have to admit it was pretty cool for us to be rolling against each other in a game after 37 years. Just sayin'.
The party won initiative so Dwalin the Foe Splitter (dad) went after a goblin right away. Eddard (mom) stepped into the room to fight side-by-side with Dwalin. Both rolled poorly, in the single digits. Both characters were just inside the doorway swinging big weapons, a battle axe and a 2-handed sword, so I ruled that no one else could get into the room at the moment. The other PCs waited for an opportunity. The 2 goblins on duty attacked but, my dice being my dice, missed badly. The 4 goblins at the altar retrieved their weapons (short swords) and made ready to join the fray. The 6 goblins in the cots spent the round waking up.
I didn't make a record of the initiative results from round to round but the players' die made it way around the table during the course of the session which meant several 1s were rolled by the party.
Round 2 had Dwalin and Eddard now facing off against 6 goblins since goblins are small and require less space. Dwalin and Eddard, having stepped into the room, had a near 180 degree zone around them from which the goblins could attack. Dwalin hit a goblin and killed it outright. I asked my dad to describe the death blow to add to the atmosphere at the table and I wanted to see what he'd do with the opportunity. He did not disappoint! Since Dwalin was "the Foe Splitter" he stated Dwalin used an overhead downward swing that caught the goblin at the base of the neck and opened him up to the groin so that all organs spilled onto the floor. Not bad! But he wasn't done. He went on to say that Dwalin stomped on the organs to express his hatred of goblins. Hell yeah! Not bad at al for a newbie!
In so doing, I ruled that Dwalin had stepped into the room a little more which opened a space for another PC to enter the room if so desired. Andoril (nephew) moved into the room and attacked a goblin having a go at Eddard but missed. There were several poor die rolls to start the combat!
Eddard missed again then the 5 active goblins attacked. Dwalin and Eddard wore chain and plate respectively so it was hard for the goblins to hit. The goblins divided up 3 on Dwalin and 2 on Eddard since goblins hate dwarfs. The goblins did manage to score a few points of damage on Dwalin. The 6 goblins who woke up last round spent this round retrieving their weapons. Llewelyn (Better Half) made note of this for the next round and had her man-at-arms stay between her and everything else. Arnbjorn (Buddy, the experienced player) waited for an opportunity to enter the room and pound some goblins.
Llewelyn, having seen that the party was about to be facing 11 armed goblins, decided to start casting a
sleep spell to try and help the odds. Very good thinking by a newbie player!
Andoril hopped up on a cot to swing his sword down at a goblin. Arnjorn stepped into the room. Eddard finally hit a goblin and with the 2-handed sword had no trouble killing it. Since this was my mom's first kill in D&D, I asked her to describe the death blow for added fun. She was hesitant but with a little prodding from
the entire table came up with something along the lines of a decapitation with a back swing that hit the head like a batted baseball sending it across the room. Great stuff there!
Just as the 6 newly-wakened goblins were closing to join the battle, Llewelyn loosed her spell and put 5 of them back to sleep. Some cheers broke out when that happened since everyone saw the numbers game against them on the battle mat.
In the mob scene that was the combat, Arnbjorn was stabbed twice by goblins taking 10 of his 12 hit points in damage. My dice woke up that round! Dwalin took a few more points of damage before the party's dice warmed up. At one point Dwalin, Eddard, and Andoril rolled back-to-back-to-back NAT 20s and started plowing through the active goblins. Eddard used the 2-handed sword to impale a goblin and launch it across the room like a catapult! Mom was starting to get into mowing down goblins.
By the end of the battle, all active goblins were slain and the sleeping goblins were
coup de graced. Arnbjorn drank his
potion of cure light wounds and cast
cure light wounds on Dwalin. No PCs were slain in their first D&D combat. Good times!
More to come...