Middle-Earth Roleplaying

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Post January 4th, 2022, 9:23 am

With our discussion in the D&D thread about class vs skills, it reminded me of something I wanted to post from last week. A while back I found a site with all or most of the MERP 1e and MERP 2e products in PDF, primarily scans but viewable, and downloaded the entire library. MERP is interesting because it does have character levels, but pretty much all of the mechanics are skill-based (being a variation of Rolemaster).

But I noticed something else about the MERP products, something that isn't actually tied to the system directly and realized that many of the supplements could easily be mined for solid information that could be used to run any Middle-Earth themed game, or just about any standard fantasy setting for that matter.

One of the early products for MERP 1e, Angmar - Land of the Witch-King goes into detail in regards to Angmar, the area itlsef, as opposed to just the Witch-King and everything about him. One section that particularly caught my eye was a section on 'HERBLORE OF THE DUNEDAIN'. Below is a small description and samples of herbs given.
The Numenoreans were some of the finest healers and physicians in all of the world. Their mariners brought healing plants from many lands, the Teleri brought marvelous herbs from Valinor. These were carefully studied and cultivated. The men of Numenor did not have to look far to find the cure for many injuries and illnesses - only to their gardens. When Elendil filled his ships with the treasures of Numenor, he did not neglect these marvelous healing plants.

The gardens of Arthedain cannot equal those of Numenor, but the Dunedain of the North are very skilled with plants and herbs. Most everyone has some knowledge of the healing plants tha1 are used for the small scrapes and mishaps that occur daily. Arthedain healers, clerics and animists often combine herbs into wonderfully healing salves, ungents, lotions or other combinations.

Herbs and Drugs
Aloe - This green spikey plant does not grow wild in Angmar or in Arthedain. It is carefully cultivated by the Dunedain healers. Application: juice of broken or crushed leaves. Use: Heals 1-4 hits, and 2x healing on minor cuts and burns, mild anaesthetic, 20% as effective on major injuries. Fresh,
or in salve. Salve difficult to prepare.

Arfandas- A common wild and garden flower with pale yellow blossoms. Its stems are set in a poultice or cast with other plants such as comfrey in the case of a fracture. Arfandas encourages the proper healing of a bone. Used fresh , since it is commonly available, its juice cannot be preserved.

Arkasu - This drug is a favorite of travellers. It is a preparation of three or four different herbs, and is a salve. It is not only antiseptic, but heals 2-12 hits, and heals large open wounds at l .5x speed. It is also a surface anaesthetic.

Arlan - A small, commonly cultivated plant, with blue flowers. Its leaves are applied in a poultice for bruise and concussion relief. Wild cure 1-6 hits,
domestic 4-9 hits.

Arlian's Slipper - A white wildflower that grows in woodlands. The roots are boiled and the vapor is inhaled as a decongestant.

Armanumas- Tall with long leaves, a common garden plant, but somewhat rarer in the wild. Leaves are crushed or applied in a poultice; it can also be dried or made into a salve thal is 25% effective. It is good for bruises, sprains, and pulled tendons and ligaments. 2x normal healing. The herb
reduces swelling.

Arunya-A fiery red flower , cultivated for beauty, used by healers. A juice from the roots. when drunk, causes deep sleep or unconsciousness. The juice is used in surgery and administered by the drop. It is difficult to extract and obtain. it cannot be homemade since it is an arduous, tricky process.

Athelas- This plant grows only where the Dunedain live. It is treasured, and commonly cultivated. Its leaves are crushed and placed in boiling water, the wound is bathed and the vapor inhaled. Athelas eases pain, and also eases mental suffering. It cures many diseases, neutralizes minor poisons, cures the black breath, slows major poisons, and triples the healing rate on any wound.
Most of these herbs and drugs could easily be utilized in a another system based on the common language used. Take Athelas for example, neutralizes minor poisons, cures many diseases, triples the healing rate on any wound. All of these benefits could be transferred to use in (A)D&D with no effort if you have a character versed in herb lore or similar backgrounds, it doesn't even have to be a ranger or a druid. In 2e, someone with a secondary skill or non-weapon proficiency in Herbalism would do the trick. I'm really impressed with the amount of info ICE put into their products, I only wish I'd had a chance to play the game back when it was published and more popular. I have The One Ring 2e, in PDF already from the Kickstarter, patiently awaiting my printed products. That's a game I want to get to the table and I can see throwing down some MERP supplements along side it.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post January 5th, 2022, 10:03 pm

The old MERP modules and supplements from ICE were fantastic with setting fluff from surroundings, flora, fauna, maps, lore, etc.

I ran MERP for a short while BITD. If we can get folks together again at a convention, and there was enough interest, I could work up some pre-gens and take folks on a quick one-shot to let folks get a taste of MERP.
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

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