Session 03 - January 29, 2019
As the party is rifling through the saddlebags of one of the two horses, they manage to hear movement echoing out from somewhere in the tunnel. Callisto has been messing with one of the two horses prior to this, an obvious warhorse that has been well-trained, attempting to lead it away, and when failing to do so (rolled a 3 on a Animal Handling check) gathering up the goblin corpses and placing them around the horse to see what it's reaction to them would be. (Uh, what? Um, it rolls a goblin corpse away from it with its nose and returns to munching on the grass? I think? I am sometimes seriously at a loss for words at some of the stuff my players do!)
Anyways, the PCs and their NPC healbot priestess take up positions on either side of the tunnel entrance. Those exiting the tunnel have no reason to be suspicious of their environment in the first moments they exit, so I grant surprise to the PCs. As soon as a big fat goblin steps out (everything about this goblin has been unapologetically stolen from Ancalagon's Skinny character in his C&C campaign I play in) alongside a typically brutish gnoll Giovanni begins casting color spray. Unfortunately, he rolls a 1 for effect, blinding the morbidly obese goblin only, as he was closest to Giovanni at the time of casting.
Callisto darts out from the trees with rapier and dagger and begins trying to hack the goblin apart. Mark visibly pales as I graphically describe hits with his dagger as his hand slipping between folds of fat and coming out covered in foul smelling yellow puss. (Skinny, from Ancalagon's game was truly hideous and odious and I've done my best to push that even further.) The description itself is enough for Mark to declare he is
not going to attack the goblin any further, even as the blinded goblin is lurching forward towards Callisto forcing him back towards the treeline lest he have this thing... touch... him. My players are truly a riot!
At the beginning of the following combat round two humans emerge from the tunnel behind the gnoll. One is easily recognized by Adjudicator Sigfrido as Earl Carulli, regent to King Megazzo and more powerful, politically speaking, than most of the Dukes of the realm. Everyone is immediately called upon to making a Willpower saving throw vs Death/Charm. I roll for Vissia, the NPC healbot.
(I use a hybrid saving throw system that uses the Reflex/Willpower/Fortitude concept from Poofinder with the static saving throws by class of AD&D, allowing me to better mix and match... Reflex vs Spell to avoid a fireball, Fortitude vs Polymorph, etc. It expands my possible saving throw categories from 7 to 21, which covers just about every situation imaginable.)
Everyone succeeds at their saving throws, surprisingly, except for the NPC healbot. Upon seeing Carulli everyone is struck by the man's regal bearing, his natural charisma, his... suitability... to rule. Everyone is struck by these qualities of his, but it is Vissia who gets a little zealous and moves to interpose herself between her party members and the Earl, screaming at them that if they wish to harm the earl they'll have to first kill her.
The magic effect was not one that Carulli was in control of. It's a residual charm-like effect placed upon him by his wife. Use of the effect was two-fold: first, I wanted some of the PCs to fail the check, and some to succeed, pitting them against one another. Those who succeeded would be left wondering what kind of magic Carulli had ensnared their companions with. It would also hopefully prevent any initial attack from devolving into combat with Carulli, who though as of yet undetailed, would be of at least the 9th-level (name level) given his status as a landed noble with a stronghold (1e rules there, I believe.) Mostly it was to make the PCs suspicious of the Earl. They all made their saves but Vissia's failure managed to save the day.
Longer story made only slightly shorter, the gnoll felled Vissia with one mighty blow of his halberd. (I mean, come one, a fight has just broken out and someone runs towards you, what else are you going to do?) At that point the gnoll, the two humans and the recovered obese goblin retreated into the safety of the tunnel, leaving the PCs to tend to Vissia. The Adjudicator got her back on her feet with a
cure light wounds and she got herself back up to full health. As they stood outside debating what to do (with the freshly healed Vissia now interposing herself between the PCs and the tunnel entrance) the second human emerged, identified himself as Alwyn, personal guard and translator for Earl Carulli, and started up some parlay. Once the PCs made assurances they were not a threat, the Earl re-emerged and they began discussing recent events in the kingdom, which to everyone's surprise the earl was not yet aware of, having been camped out nearby for the previous hand (week).
He was negotiating with the gnoll, Varrlair, to leave the area. With Cinnabaran raiding in the north and most of the kingdom's levied troops deployed to protect against those coastal incursions, more unconventional methods had to be employed to deal with problems in the south. One of those unconventional methods was negotiating with beasts that would normally be hunted down like dogs and slain. After being informed of the king's death he bid the PCs accompany him to his nearby encampment, as such topics were ill-suited for discussion in the presence of gnolls and goblins. The party obliged and an hour or so later arrived at a small encampment of approximately 20 of the earl's guards, retainers and servants.
The PCs were suspicious. The earl was concerned about the state of the kingdom. Thus began a back and forth dialogue between PC and NPCs that ended up with the earl learning pretty much everything the PCs know, including the existence of Sabine Cantelli and Tyrus Megazzo, with the PCs coming away even more suspicious. (Someone needs to teach them how to hold their tongues!) One thing that both sides discovered was that several days prior the gnoll Varrlair had sent away a large number of his minions, supposedly as a sign of good faith in his negotiations with Earl Carulli. The composition of that force that was sent away sounded to Adjudicator Sigfrido like the force that had attacked his caravan. Varrlair the gnoll had pulled a fast one on Earl Carulli... or was Earl Carulli lying and been responsible for the attack. The PCs were of mixed opinion on this.
The Earl, not suspicious of the PCs, instructed the PCs to return to Varrlair's lair the following morning and slay him and his minions, as he felt they had negotiated in bad faith with him. He would have to ride for the capital at first light to take up the duties of regent, which would essentially make him the de facto ruler of the kingdom until a new king could be crowned. To continue pulling on the suspicion string, Vissia continued to be enamored with the earl and joined him in his pavilion for the remainder of the night, not emerging again until the earl did as well.
The party returned to Varrlair's den with Alwyn, the Earl's man. As 20 pieces of silver (a small fortune in Sunsebb) had been part of the agreed upon arrangement for the gnoll and goblins to depart the area, they schemed up a ploy wherein they would pretend as if they had come to make that payment, and only after getting in close proximity to the gnoll would they attack. Their plan actually manged to work out fairly well. Varlairr was felled, along with a few of the goblins that had been standing guard nearby, and then they worked their way back towards the entrance to deal with those that they had simply walked past earlier, including the obese goblin. Vissia and Giovanni stayed behind in the room where the gnoll had been killed, and to Giovanni's horror she healed the gnoll and then enspelled it in some manner.
Through Vissia, with Alwyn translating, the PCs were able to interrogate the gnoll briefly, during which they learned some interesting things. The earl's daughter, Illaria, was supposedly responsible some way for the attack on the caravans a few days prior. The earl was, supposedly, a fool and a weak man. Callisto, throughout the exchange, was carefully watching Alwyn. Alwyn was the only one of the group who spoke gnollish, and they were trusting the retainer of a man they were suspicious of to accurately translate the gnoll's answers to their questions. I make a lot of the PCs skill rolls behind the screen, so that the players never gain meta-knowledge of whether a roll is likely a failure or success. Callisto attempted to discern whether Alwyn was accurately translating, or attempting to hide anything in the answers he provided. All three times he failed his rolls, so despite Alwyn accurately translating, Callisto's suspicions got the best of him and he was certain Alwyn was covering something up, hiding something, etc. Alwyn was absolutely, unequivocally a liar and in league with Earl Carulli, which only drove suspicion of the earl higher among the PCs.
Paul/Giovanni's Session Log
Dillon/Sigfrido's Session Log