Lake Geneva and Gary

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Necron 99
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Post July 24th, 2023, 9:23 pm

I was perusing the DF forum and noticed a thread from Paul about a bench that is being placed in LG, dedicated to Gary. A few other folks asked about the statue that had been planned years back and Paul responded with the following:
Of course, the bench is only one of a number of great things that are happening on the way to getting the memorial built. But before we can get the memorial built we have to get the City of Lake Geneva to want to build a statue dedicated to Gary in Lake Geneva. Thus, we have a series of initiatives which seek community engagement to celebrate the accomplishments and legacy of Gary Gygax. This is part of the process for moving forward to a full memorial.
Initially I wondered if maybe the city just doesn't really care much for memorializing Gary, for whatever reason. If it's taken this long and the city hasn't moved on a statue or some other larger feature than the stone and, now, the bench, then I feel like it's just not something LG wants to put effort into. I mean, D&D was at it's pinnacle with 5e before the whole OGL debacle, you'd think with all of the GaryCons, mentions in the news about how popular D&D is, and the hype across social media, that the city would have recognized the popularity of GG and his legacy by now.

Here are all of the initiatives that Paul linked to:
#1) The Wizard of Lake Geneva™: A permanent exhibit at the Geneva Lake Museum about Gary Gygax, his accomplishments and legacy, and his connection to Lake Geneva--to be dedicated in September of this year.

#2) Adventurer's Map of Lake Geneva: A walking tour map of Lake Geneva featuring the locations important to Gary's history in Lake Geneva.

#3) Gary Gygax's Appendix N Alcove: A permanent exhibit at the Lake Geneva Public Library of over one hundred literary works that inspired Gary Gygax's design of Dungeons & Dragons--to be dedicated on August 10th, 2023.

#4) GEN CON Founder's Stone & Display: A stone laid at Horticultural Hall commemorating the founding of GEN CON by Gary Gygax and a permanent display or interpretive sign at Horticultural Hall about Gary Gygax's founding of GEN CON on the site in 1968 and how it has now become North America's largest tabletop gaming convention with 60,000+ attendees annually.

#5) Gygax Park Bench: A park bench dedicated in memory of Gary Gygax donated by the Gygax Memorial Fund to the City of Lake Geneva and located at the far west end of Elm Park near the Shore Path--to be dedicated on Gary Gygax's birthday, July 27th, 2023.

#6) Gary Gygax Day: The Gygax Memorial Fund is petitioning the Mayor and City Council to declare Gary Gygax's birthday, July 27th as “Gary Gygax Day” in Lake Geneva.

#7) Gygax Memorial: A memorial to Gary Gygax located at the far west end of Elm Park. The memorial will be a simple stone table with a bronze statue of Gary seated at one end, where players can gather around to play a game of Dungeons & Dragons.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for celebrating Gary and HIS version of the D&D game, but asking the city for all seven of these initiatives seem, imo, a bit much. I mean, GaryCon is already a thing in memory of his passing and celebrated annually, do you really need a "Gary Gygax Day" across the city? There is a stone dedicated to his remembrance near the lake and now a bench in the park near the lake. Personally, I can see why the city would be hesitant to spend money for anything more.

But then again, I don't have a dog in the fight, I don't live there, and it's not my taxes being used to fund any of this, so whatever happens, happens I guess.
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Post July 25th, 2023, 10:16 pm

Necron 99 wrote: July 24th, 2023, 9:23 pm<snip>

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for celebrating Gary and HIS version of the D&D game, but asking the city for all seven of these initiatives seem, imo, a bit much. I mean, GaryCon is already a thing in memory of his passing and celebrated annually, do you really need a "Gary Gygax Day" across the city? There is a stone dedicated to his remembrance near the lake and now a bench in the park near the lake. Personally, I can see why the city would be hesitant to spend money for anything more.

But then again, I don't have a dog in the fight, I don't live there, and it's not my taxes being used to fund any of this, so whatever happens, happens I guess.
Emphasis mine.

Gary grew up in Lake Geneva (LG). He invented a game in LG that touched and changed the lives of untold millions around the world. He ran a business in LG that employed a goodly number of people. He eventually returned to LG and died in his home town in 2008. Luke founded Gary Con which now brings 2k-3k people into LG each year. Those people spend their $$$ on goods and services in LG. And it has been 15 years since Gary died with only a brick and now a bench to offer up in remembrance. If the LG leadership really gave a DAMN about Gary then there would be more than a brick and, 15 years later, a bench. If it is really important to Luke, he can use some of the $$$ from the diamond, platinum, and gold badges to fund some of the initiatives mentioned above.
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