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Post March 3rd, 2019, 11:01 am

Claims to be a dark-fantasy RPG, humanicentric with no demi-humans races, etc. Love the artwork and the overall premise is good, reminds me in some minor ways of the Midnight setting from back during the d20 era. I like the take on magic items through the use of their Shards concept. It also bodes well, imo, that Modiphius will be distributing the game.

Link: HERE
GODS is a dark fantasy tabletop roleplaying game created by Bastien Lecouffe Deharme and Julien Blondel.

Designed by long time friends, roleplayers, and Dark Fantasy fans, GODS is a love song to the legendary writers and artists who defined the genre, such as Robert E. Howard, Karl E. Wagner, Michael Moorcock, Glen Cook or Frank Frazetta.

The game invites the players to play heroes seeking high adventure in the Wildlands, a brutal land abandoned and forgotten by the gods. From one-shots adventures to massive campaigns, GODS will offer a variety of game modes and provide a modern and adult gaming experience, supported by a d10 system that favors gameplay, narrative and fun without leaving simulation and realism aside.

GODS is, above all, a game based on adventure, epic quests, and exploration: a journey to the far reaches of the Wildlands, its lost cities, titanic scenery, primeval forests, and forgotten ruins. Attached to the standards of Dark Fantasy, the game is full of action, magic, rituals, and epic battles. It will satisfy players with a taste for atmosphere, mystery, and diplomacy, with a subtle dose of poetry: a brutal world, epic and dark, where fighters, shamans, thieves and other heroes often have to write their legend in blood.

The rules are based on the TOTEM SYSTEM and use 10-sided dice to manage gaming phases. Combat, magic, negotiation, enchantment of objects or simple travels and adventures: all technical aspects use the same mechanics. Characters are defined by Traits associated to a number of dice. When a character performs an action, the player simply rolls a number of dice equal to the score of the Trait used, generally a number between 1D and 3D. Whenever a character undertakes an action where the outcome is uncertain, the player rolls a number of 10-sided dice equal to the score of the Trait at hand and compares the result of each die to a Difficulty ranging from 1 to 10. The more results that are equal to or higher than the Difficulty, the more successful the character is.

To shoot with a bow, the Accuracy Trait is used. Let’s say that the character’s score is 2D, meaning that the player rolls two dice against a Difficulty of 5, 7, or 9 depending on the distance, size, and speed of the target. If at least one die rolls equal to or higher than the Difficulty, the shot hits home. If both dice are successful, the shot may hit a vulnerable area and inflict more damage, reflecting the higher degree of success.

In accordance with their background practical experience, and chosen Profile, the players’ characters will also have Skills and Specialties that will grant Bonuses to their actions, as well as dice pools called Reserves from which they can draw to improve their chances. However, these Reserves represent the characters’ innermost resources, and drawing from them will be exhausting. As they travel together and grow used to each other, the characters can strengthen the unity of their Party and acquire new collective abilities, from simple Bonuses to innovative storytelling options such as save points.
A land so vast no cartographer could ever map it all.

A land that was once the playground of giants and fantastic creatures, and where humans are now building empires and civilizations.

A land forgotten by its own gods.

From the small villages to the cities and capitals, men are left to fight for their survival. Their fate is in their hands, and civilizations seem to collapse faster than they grow. The grim Cult of the Black Sun is spreading like the plague, preaching the Words of the One, and providing insights to the men and women in need of answers, in exchange of their allegiance.

Untamed, the Wildlands call for heroes. Men and women chasing their own destiny. Adventurers brave or crazy enough to take on the roads and uncover the dark secrets left behind in the ruins of a forgotten world.

The old and forgotten gods are preparing their awakening.

To do so, they need the men and women of the Wildlands to remember them. To believe in them once again. They are choosing their heroes. They are choosing the men and women who will become their voices and their hands among the mortals.

GODS invites players to play exceptional people – characters who all have this little “something” special that make them step out of the ordinary. Whether they are the most talented hunter of the village, the warrior who never gives up, the blacksmith whose craft makes people travel from long distances or even the weirdo of the town who claims that she can hear voices, they all have this energy that makes people wonder if they might have been chosen by the gods…

And you are one of them.

To reach the humans they have chosen, on the spiritual and physical level, the Old Gods infuse man-made objects with a fragment of their spirits. Weapons, tools, jewelry or any type of artefacts. Those manufactured objects invested with a piece of a god’s soul are called Shards. They are the vectors of the divine favors, providing the Chosen Ones with a physical symbol of the god, a tool, an emblem, a link, a companion, that will help them fulfill their destiny.

On their path, the characters may encounter and wield one of these rare and precious objects. Through the Shards, the Chosen Ones develop a link with their gods, receive favors and powers, to help them forge their legend and wake their gods.

In game, the Shards will evolve and accumulate powers in accordance to the choices of the characters and the strength of the link built between the Chosen Ones and their gods.

There are several types of magic in the Wildlands. One of them is "sacrificial magic".

The relationship between humans and gods have always been built on exchanges between services and favors, pledges of reverence and signs of recognition, forbidden thoughts and encouraged acts. Priests and believers used to find communion with their gods through rituals and ceremonies.

Since the gods disappeared, the link between the divine and humans was broken. But recently, men and women have found a way to reconnect with the gods. The odd ones, the shamans and the druids, the seers and the oracles, they all feel the energy of the gods rising. Where the Chosen Ones receive divine favors through the Shards, these address to the gods through the practice of sacrificial magic.

Sacrificial magic requires rituals that vary depending of the gods they are made to. From blood sacrifices to destruction of valuable materials, they sometimes require specific actions to be performed. The few who receive answers from the divine energies through those rituals are also considered Chosen.

Throughout the Wildlands, the Cult of the Black Sun spreads like black ink on blank parchment. Its fanatical priests preach the arrival of a new Prophet, the Word of the One and the advent of his dogma. Through the weapons of his Priest-Soldiers, the Cult prepares the Wildlands to the return of the Black Sun.

For the cultists, the sun is the “Eye of the One”. When men are finally worthy of the trust of the One, only then will the One God close his eye, and the sun will become black, and men will find the way to their creator, in the comfort of the “Primordial Darkness and the Holy Trust”.

The Chosen Ones are considered enemies of the One God, and the Cult is actively tracking them. Any form of magic performed by anyone other than a priest of the Black Sun is considered heretical. This includes the use of the Shards, and the individuals who build any type of link with the Old Gods.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post March 3rd, 2019, 2:16 pm

Looks cool, and sounds like a lot of fun. I love the perspective in that last photo too.
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Post March 3rd, 2019, 9:40 pm

That is some wonderful art!
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Post March 5th, 2019, 12:50 am


Allan Grohe
Editor and Project Manager

http://www.greyhawkonline.com/grodog/greyhawk.html for my Greyhawk site
https://grodog.blogspot.com/ for my blog, From Kuroth's Quill

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Necron 99
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Post November 29th, 2020, 9:31 pm

This RPG is still a work in progress, though the writers, designers, and publisher are still keeping the kickstarter folks in the loop. Over the course of their progress, they have released small snippets from the game. Figured it couldn't hurt to upload some of them here for anyone who is interested in seeing how the game is shaping up.

Between the amazing artwork and level of detail for the setting, I'm really hoping this will have an adequate system to complete the overall package. I'm very much looking forward to the delivered game, I think it will be an excellent addition to my collection, not to mention getting it to the table and playing through.

October Update:
November Update:
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post November 29th, 2020, 10:59 pm

This looks really good, especially the visuals. The KS page listed estimated delivery around May 2020 so they've missed that by a big margin. Any revisions to the release for non-KS folks?
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

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Post November 30th, 2020, 12:03 pm

There hasn't really been any mention of non-KS products or availability.

The previous two updates only state what's going on and what has been done. This one was a big response to the backers, from October:
Hello Chosen Ones

It is time for a real conversation. I owe it to you, as you are the ones supporting the project from its beginnings. The fact is, GODS will (and already is) late, compared to the date I announced to you initially. I cannot change this, but I can tell you that the team is working hard to make sure the game is delivered to you as soon as it can be.

Let me explain to you some of the reasons for the delay: The production of GODS went through a lot of storms. We have had to restructure the team several times to ensure we had the right people working on the game for the sake of quality and the respect of Bastien’s original vision. Then there was Covid. America kept on going, but France and many European countries were at a stop, which also impacted work production. The pandemic forced us to re-think our whole planning and this has created some delays for the company. But most of all, the honest truth is this: when I announced May 2020 as an approximative date, I was too optimistic, and I failed to measure the amount of time it would take to deliver the game as we want it to be. I do apologize for this.

The team is making a solid game. Production is over. It is written, and the artworks are being finalized. We are now in the “translation/proofreading/book design” phase. And this also takes time to do the job well. No one is wasting time. And I believe you will see the result of that soon. It took us a while to find and build the translating team we wanted. As you know, this is our first international project, and we wanted to work with English writers who have an extensive background in the RPG field. This team is working at full speed now.

We will improve communication with you and make sure that, starting today, we send you samples from the book as often as we can! We won’t share everything, but we will share a lot more. Please keep in mind that these documents will be “Beta” versions. They are some of our work-in-progress, made before going to final proofreading and printing.

I understand that delay makes you nervous. But trust the fact the project won’t fade away from you. We are almost there. We are working hard, and we still need your support and enthusiasm. The promise we can make to you is that we are making a game we love, and we know you will love it too.
And then we got one in November which was something of a follow-up:
Fellow Chosen,

Another update to let you know that the game progresses!

Translations are complete both in French and English. It was not just "translated" but looked over and managed by excellent writers, native of the language. And I am really proud of the texts!

We are now proof-reading, again. And working on the design of both the Corebook and the Book of the Oracle. We are still finishing some artworks as well. As I told you, I am picky on this!

They seem to be moving along pretty well, and I'm not worried about the project not being completed. I'd rather they take time and ensure it to be the best quality it can before printing. Hopefully we'll get ahold of the PDF way prior to that, so maybe in early 2021 we'll see more.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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