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Barony (rogue-like, dungeon crawler)

Posted: June 2nd, 2019, 11:36 am
by Necron 99
I've been playing Barony for a few years now, off and on, mostly when my son and I get the itch to try and beat it, which we still haven't done because it's pretty hard at the lower levels. None the less, it's a fun dungeon crawler and the dungeons are randomly designed every time you play so nothing is ever the same. You can check out the overview vid below. You can get it on Steam or DRM free through their website, they just added a new DLC with new classes and races. It's a fun time sink when you have nothing better to do.

Re: Barony (rogue-like, dungeon crawler)

Posted: January 11th, 2020, 12:36 pm
by Necron 99
New DLC for Barony was released.