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Post June 29th, 2020, 9:18 pm

Lucián DeGarmo

A member of the 4th Company fell ill one evening, thereby unable to fulfill his guard duties so the Band was called upon to cover shifts in the East tower from 8 PM to midnight and again from 4 AM to 8 AM. I selected Ottovio and offered him the choice of shift, due to his status as a knight though I did not disclose the reason, which very much surprised him. I assigned Verus to the late shift.

Verus reported to me after his shift that the guard on duty before him, Numerius, said he heard a strange tapping noise from inside the tower. Though he did not hear such a noise, Verus thought it worth mentioning; a good decision by him.

I met with the First Sword of 4th Company to seek a meeting with Numerius. I had the guard repeat the sounds as best he could with handheld stones and there seemed to be a pattern. Numerius’ commander was none-too-pleased at having been uninformed of the noise. I requested to be notified of any other such occurrences.

When I returned to the Band, I had Verus brief the others of his incident with Numerius as an opportunity to gain experience addressing everyone in an official capacity whether he realized it or not. I informed Martius thereafter.

No noise was reported heard the next night but misfortune visited the camp. Word reached us that the large bellows had been slashed by some animal. I went to see for myself and observed that the slashes dis not appear ragged and grouped together as a claw. The cuts were clean and somewhat irregularly spaced as if made one-at-a-time. I asked Rufina and Ignatius to examine the area for tracks or other signs which might provide some information. Rufina’s keen eyes found footprints that corresponded to the placement of the slashes. She interpreted the weight distribution within the prints to guess that the person responsible was shorter than a man and most likely used a knife to slash the bellows. Sabotage! The men in the other companies on guard during the night were all positioned to be watching outside the encampment, not inside the palisade. Repairs to the bellows will require 3+/- days and delay the project.

The Band’s present assignment is to be stationed outside the door to Martius’ and Tranquillo’s chambers. I briefed Martius of my intent to rotate members of the Band for guard duty inside the camp. Since the other company members watch for external threats, the Band will patrol the area where three buildings housing the masons’, metalworkers’, and woodworkers’ tools are located. Martius agreed.

I assigned Rufina and Ottovio the 8 PM to midnight shift. The weather was poor with heavy rains but they noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I took Hilarious and Verus with me on the midnight to 4 AM shift. The rain stopped shortly after our shift began and the air began to cool. All was quiet. When our shift ended, I sent Hilarious and Verus to wake Ignatius and Vel while I remained with the buildings. That is when I noticed two of the doors were unlatched. I opened the doors without entering and found that masons’ and metalworkers’ tools were gone! When Ignatius arrived, he searched for tracks and any other signs but found only distorted muddy footprints inside one building. He believes that whomever stole the tools did so during the rain and any outside tracks were washed away. Ignatius and Vel began their watch while I woke Martius and briefed him.

Martius ordered me to wake all First Swords who were to then wake their men. As I turned to leave, Martius said, “This is not good, Lucián.” On my way out, I roused the sleeping members of the Band. Everyone took part in an exhaustive search of the camp but the tools were not found. An enraged Tranquillo severely rebuked Martius, even going so far as threatening to withhold payment from the Wolves. The band was to safeguard the tools and yet still they were stolen. I am responsible. I will discover how this happened.

The journeymen workers must use their own tools to continue the work but this will compound the delay as not all hands will be equipped. Resupply shipments are due every fifteen days so it will be some time before the project is restored to full efficiency.

The Band suggested bringing all remaining tools into the Kyg at night to store them under constant guard. Tranquillo and Martius agreed. I proposed using a room with a single entry/exit point for added security. Much discussion ensued amongst the Band regarding the use of other rooms possessing multiple entry/exit points. I neither discouraged not interrupted them, though I disagreed, in order to make the point their input is welcome. The forge in the Kyg is the only room with a single entry/exit point on the level to which we have access that is not currently in regular use. I will designate that room for the tool storage and devise a watch schedule.

As for the missing tools – where could they be? The muddy footprints and open latches indicate someone entered the buildings which means the tools didn’t just vanish into the ethereal. There were too many tools for a single person to remove all at once. As I see them, the possibilities are:
1. The tools were removed from the camp through the palisade. Infeasible due to the many posted guards. One or more people laden with tools would have been too easily noticed.
2. The tools were buried within the camp. Infeasible due to the large number of tools, time required, potential noise made, and terrible weather earlier in the night.
3. The tools were hidden in the Kyg. We searched and found nothing.
4. The tools were thrown into the gorge. Someone should rappel into the gorge to look for evidence in case the tools weren’t washed away by the river. This seems the most likely option!
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

Deil the Yin

Post June 30th, 2020, 12:13 pm

The tension is building...! No pun intended. :lol:

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Post July 12th, 2020, 1:46 am

Lucián DeGarmo

Tools are to be checked in at the Kyg’s forge by the end of each work day. However, not every tool will be checked out each morning based upon the work that is required which means the Band must be on guard at the forge at all times. I devised a schedule of six shifts of four duration. Ottavio volunteered to pull an all-night shift, but in fairness, his assigned workload will be the same as everyone else’s. Those skilled at letters and numbers will work the shifts when tools are to be checked out and returned. Ottavio, whose allegiance is still a question, is paired with a regular member of the Band at all times when on a watch.

The Band discussed amongst itself theories regarding the missing tools. I put forth my thoughts on the misfortunes which occurred after the arrival of the Dwergaz and the possibilities of what may have happened to the tools. My proposal that someone rappel into the gorge to look for discarded tools fell on deaf ears for no volunteers stepped up as they viewed such action akin to suicide. Since none were willing, I would lead by example and rappel into the gorge tomorrow around noon so as to have as much light as possible.

During the discussions, the idea was put forth that if someone in the camp was out and about during the night when the tools were stolen, he/she might have wet clothes to hide. A plan to search the camp under the pretext of looking for hidden booze, which is banned, was put forth. I briefed Martius of the plan and gained his approval. I wanted him aware in case people complained to Tranquillo who, in turn, confronted Martius. Rufina, Vel, Ignatius, and Hilarious conducted the search. Verus remained on guard in the barracks. Ottavio went to sleep as he was to have the late- night shift. I took my turn on guard at the forge.

The search yielded no results that would implicate anyone of wrong doing. Vel relieved me at the forge at 8 PM. I instructed him to not leave the room until his replacement arrives and to inform his replacement of the same. Ottavio decided to patrol outside the Kyg from midnight until just before his watch in the forge begins at 4 AM. I advised caution as skullduggery is afoot.

On the morning of the 14th of Highsun, most of the Dwergaz departed the camp. Those that remained include the consulate and five soldiers. It is clear the Dwergaz intend to offer little assistance with the project. Martius briefed the First Swords that the success of the project depends upon Tranquillo but that the security necessary to ensure that success depends upon the Wolves.

At noon I made good on my declaration to rappel into the gorge to search for discarded tools. With the aid of Hilarious and Rufina to hold the rope I used, while also secured by a secondary safety line, I successfully descended into the gorge and recovered a stone cutting chisel. My theory of what happened to the tools was correct. I would have to wait until tomorrow to brief Martius as he had crossed the gorge in a large basket pulled across with ropes.

That night, a malevolent spirit visited me beyond the Wall of Sleep. The only thing I can recall with any clarity as I pen these words is the horrific visage of an amorphous black cloud, roughly humanoid in shape with eyes that burned bright orange like stoked coals, that hovered over me as I slept. Never before have I sensed such malice and overwhelming rage. I fled from it and woke myself with my own screams.

Ottavio entered the barracks with his sword half-drawn. I assured him I was unharmed but not ready to return to sleep. I joined him on his self-appointed patrol during which he offered some suggestions of what dreams might mean. Though I possess knowledge Ottavio does not, I listened to his counsel as it was the first time he had engaged in real conversation with me. Towards the end of the patrol, Ottavio surprisingly offered that we pray together. I accepted. He prayed to Tastus, the deity of fighting for justice, freedom, and commerce while I venerated Zotia, goddess of knowledge and creation.

I met with Martius on the 15th of Highsun in response to a summons. The Band was reassigned to day shift guard duty in the camp. Each member will work twelve-hour shifts from 8 AM to 8 PM, no exceptions, while the Dwergaz will assume responsibility for guarding the forge and the tools stored there. With may of the Wolves now on the opposite side of the gorge, the added protection for laborers is paramount. Martius appointed me in charge of security and any actions required. I showed him the chisel I found and revealed my thoughts that some of the Dwergaz are responsible. Martius advised that I keep that to myself as they would take great offense to being named suspects in sabotage. If, however, the tools stored in the forge were to fall victim to some “unfortunate circumstance” while under Dwergaz guardianship inside their own structure, I imagine any protests of offense would be more difficult for Tranquillo to accept.

There were no incidents of note on 16th of Highsun.
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Post July 12th, 2020, 4:33 pm

Lucián DeGarmo

Sometime in the early morning hours of the 17th, I awoke to find myself getting out of bed. I walked quietly to my footlocker, opened it, then retrieved my dagger. I did not want to be out of bed, much less sliding my dagger from its sheathe and looking towards Rufina. My conscious mind realized this was not a dream. I had been possessed in my sleep by the malevolent entity that dwelled in the Kyg and whatever that entity was intended to work through me to inflict harm on my friend!

I struggled, resisted, screamed inside my head to muster all of my will against the entity yet still I crept closer to Rufina. The dagger, in my right hand, edged slowly towards her throat as my left hand readied to clamp over her mouth and stifle any cry from her. Horror sprouted in my mind. Though I could see my physical hands, my mind’s eye visualized my fists battering against the amorphous darkness with me behind my eyes!

Finally, the entity was gone. I staggered then partially collapsed on the side of Rufina’s bed which was enough to wake her. Even as I fell to the floor and dropped my dagger, she had produced one of her own and landed atop me, her blade to my throat, demanding in a whisper for me to explain what I was doing.

So tired from the struggle and horrified by what almost happened, I offered no resistance. When I could finally speak, my voice quivered. Satisfied that I was no threat to her, Rufina allowed me to get up. We walked outside. I explained how I had no control over my body and that I am certain some supernatural presence, which had possessed me, dwells in the Kyg… a presence that I intend to seek out when possible and bring to an end. I assured her that she and the other members of the Band are my family and I would never willingly allow harm to come to them. Rufina agreed to remain quiet of what transpired and I would brief the rest of the Band of the presence of the entity.

At the end of the next watch, I informed the rest of the Band that through my dreams of the last few nights, I am certain a supernatural entity of great malice dwells within the Kyg. I did not divulge the matter between Rufina and myself. Nor did I discuss another idea that came to me during the meeting. If the entity could possess me, could it also possess any of the Dwergaz, thereby using them to sabotage the project? I think it unlikely. The entity has shown itself to be filled with rage and a desire to inflict harm upon others. Damaging and disposing of tools seems an insufficient expression of that drive.

Work on the project proceeded as normal the next two days. I noticed some of the men relaxing on duty as I made my rounds. Being at ease is good but, knowing what I know of the Dwergaz and the entity, vigilance must not be compromised. I advised the First Sword of 2nd Company to stay alert and to ensure his men did as well. When he asked why, I told him I hoped I was wrong, but I suspected that the quiet of the last two days would not last.

My thoughts proved to be prophetic on the 20th of Highsun as another act of sabotage occurred. Tons of chain intended for use with the bridge were thrown into the gorge during the evening. Though too heavy to be washed away by the torrent, retrieval will be no easy undertaking.

After three days, two deaths, and an enormous monetary outlay by Tranquillo for volunteers, the chain was finally dragged from the gorge. During the 24th and 25th, the chain was guarded day and night; another task for the Wolves which stretched our resources even thinner.

During the 26th and 27th, 2nd Company escorted timber wrights outside the palisade, northwards, to fell trees for use as wooden planks for the project. Our personnel reported foulspawn scouts spotted in the distance. Speed and no small degree of luck will be required to avoid a confrontation… which soon proved to be wishful thinking as cries of “foulspawn!” and the sounds of battle filled the air north of the camp. I sent Vel to awaken Martius so he could muster his men then return quickly.

The band of Bastards, the only men ready in the camp, shall go forth to the aid of our fellow Wolves and the laborers on whom the project’s completion depends. None are expendable!
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

Deil the Yin

Post July 13th, 2020, 9:23 pm

So what are the "Foulspawn?" It harkens back to the Warhammer world in my thinking...

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Post July 13th, 2020, 11:46 pm

Foulspawn is a collective term for the 5 species of Harnic orcs.

In HarnWorld, the Gargun (also called orcs and Foulspawn) reside in the high mountainous areas of Hârn, where they squabble, maim, kill, and cannibalize each other, or any other species they encounter.

The HarnMaster campaign I'm playing in is not set on HarnWorld so we commonly use foulspawn as the name for the nasty bastards. They are a bit tougher than the 1 hit die D&D garden variety orc. Since Harnmaster doesn't use levels and hit points, they accumulate injuries just like the PCs until they collapse... unless a PC is lucky enough to land an instant kill shot.
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Post July 15th, 2020, 12:33 am

Lucián DeGarmo

A quick discussion occurred as the band marshalled. My orders were simple given our limited numbers. The bowmen, Ignatius, Rufina, and Verus, would travel with the infantry until range was no longer problematic then begin firing missiles at the enemy as long as the enemy outnumbered allies or the risk of hitting allies was not excessive. The infantry, Hilarious, Vel, myself, and Ottavio, would close in shoulder-to-shoulder line formation, perpendicular to the road. Foulspawn are quite opportunistic in battle, seizing any opportunity to isolate, outnumber, and overwhelm opponents to then drag them to their lair for a fate no soldier deserves. If battle circumstances become such that the bowmen can no longer loose missiles without excessive risk of hitting allies, they will draw their hand weapons and join the melee as support.

Fate intervened at that moment. The staircase to the ancient tower in which Ignatius was stationed collapsed! With no clear way down, he had to be left behind at the camp. Rufina and Verus must suffice for missile fire.

The Band advanced down the road. Some timber wrights, filled with terror, emerged from the tree line, pursued by a group of foulspawn that outnumbered us two-to-one. Rufina and Verus judged distance then loosed their missiles as planned. The infantry line continued to advance with Hilarious on the left end, Vel to his right, Myself to Vel’s right, and the well-armored Ottavio on the right end. The foulspawn drew near enough that I could count their teeth.

And then things went sideways.

Ottavio, for whatever reason, veered off right which opened a hole in the line. Hilarious and Vel failed to maintain the pace and fell behind, which opened another hole in the line to my left. The front rank of foulspawn arrived. Two of them attacked Ottavio. Two attacked me. Two attacked Hilarious while Vel was two steps behind him. Three more foulspawn followed the first rank. Two of them moved towards me as I was now separated from the others. The last moved towards Hilarious.

Rufina proved effective as always with her bow, putting two arrows into the head and neck of one of the foulspawn swarming me, killing it. By then there were three foulspawn attacking Hilarious and Vel. Ottavio was still engaged with two. I was outnumbered three-to-one, suffered a serious wound to my right shoulder and chest delivered by the foulspawns’ axes, and fell to the ground. Vel speared one his foes through the neck. Hilarious moved to stand over me.

I regained my footing then took position between Ottavio and Hilarious to try and close the gap in the line and help either as needed. Unfortunately, due to injuries, one of the foulspawn was able to bypass my shield and deliver another serious injury, this time to my abdomen. I fell.

Why did they break the line?

Some minutes later, Ottavio hauled me to my feet. I could not yet stand on my own but saw we had rescued two timber wrights and slain at least nine foulspawn. Verus was also wounded though only moderately. The sounds of battle continued up the road. Though angry with Hilarious, Vel, and Ottavio for disobeying orders and abandoning the battle plan, 2nd Claw still required reinforcements. I appointed Hilarious to take charge and continue down the road with Vel and Ottavio to give what help they could. By now I could walk slowly on my own but no more. I ordered Rufina and Verus to each drag an unconscious timber wright back to camp while I lead them. Hilarious, Vel, and Ottavio continued towards the battle. Each of them will need to be dealt with later. Their insubordination put the entire Band at greater risk than necessary… for which I paid the price.
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Post July 22nd, 2020, 9:35 pm

Lucián DeGarmo

One of the timber wrights died en route to the camp. Verus continued his efforts while Rufina
gave support to me to reach the palisade. I am grateful for Rufina’s help and it did not escape my
notice that among the members of the Band, she was the only one who obeyed orders and followed
the battle plan.

Upon reaching the palisade, Martius emerged from the gate, pushed Rufina away and helped me
into the camp. I briefed him on engaging the foulspawn on the road then sending Hilarious, Vel,
and Ottavio onwards to help 2nd Company. Martius appeared genuinely relieved that I had survived
as well as the rest of the Band. This reinforced my intent to solve the goings on in the camp.
Martius then took me to Valeria, the physician priestess, for treatment of my wounds. She gave me
a drink to render me unconscious as the wounds required much time, effort, and no movement on
my part to complicate the matter.

I awoke a few hours later to find myself accompanied by many wounded who had been brought
back to the camp. My shoulder and chest were treated but my abdomen was still exposed. At one
point I saw Martius speak briefly with Valeria who then returned to finish treating my wounds.
Valeria informed me I would have a very nice scar across my stomach. A scar is preferred to death.
Eight men died in the foulspawn battle. Verus suffered some moderate wounds but was treated
and released. Valeria wanted me to remain in the pavilion due to the extent of my wounds. I
accepted her judgement and remained.

Hilarious reported to me what happened after he, Vel, and Ottavio continued down the road.
The First Sword of 2nd Company was taken by foulspawn who had been routed by the Wolves.
Surprisingly, one of the Dwergaz, Reignum Grin-Helm, the old, scarred, and battle-hardened veteran
was in the field killing foulspawn and harvesting body parts from them. Reignum advised the Band
against chasing after the foulspawn as they would most likely encounter a war party and be vastly
outnumbered. Strangely enough, no Dwergaz mustered to engage the foulspawn when I lead the
Band from the camp. Yet there was Reignum. He had to depart the camp from somewhere. I can’t
prove it yet, but I am certain there must be a secret passage from the Kyg… but where is it?

Hilarious also wanted to acquire some intoxicating agents for the Band members to “lift their
spirits.” What a profound lack of judgement! The Wolves are stretched too thin as is. We can’t
afford the luxuries of relaxation by way of dulled senses. My answer was a succinct NO. As
disappointed as I was with him, I left him in charge of the Band until I could return to duty. He is
unfit but there are no viable options within the Band’s current composition. Verus is too young
and inexperienced. Vel is practically mute. Rufina has too much of a chip on her shoulder
regarding men. Being a woman weighs against her, especially where the Hirossian members are
concerned. Ignatius is too quiet and an archer. Since other infantry disobeyed me, in infantryman,
they would almost certainly disobey him, too. Ottavio is a probationary attachment whose true
allegiance is still suspect, and seems to desire only to fight and pray.

Work on the project resumed on the 30th of Highsun. Valeria released me from observation so I
dressed, strapped on my sword, and retrieved my gear. My first act thereafter was to relieve
Hilarious and resume command. He wondered if I should be up and about. I quickly assured him I
am well enough. Hilarious offered some wine that Martius released to the Wolves yesterday. I
appreciated the wine but my dissatisfaction was not assuaged.

I visited with Vel and Verus, both of whom were moderately injured in the battle. They appeared
to be well-bandaged. I told them they fought bravely, which was true, but offered no praise beyond
those words. I then visited with every other member of the Band and repeated the praise, again
going no further except with Rufina. She obeyed orders and followed the plan. I emphasized that
she fought WELL.

Martius summoned me for a meeting during which he heaped praise on 5th Company (aka the
Band) for going forth to save lives, and praised my decision to go out and help 2nd Company. I
appreciated the praise. However, public praise complicated the matter of discipline for those who
were insubordinate. Morale in the camp was low enough. Punishing people for violating orders
immediately after praise had been give is akin to urinating on a candle with regard to morale. I
described to Martius the discipline issues then asked for his advice. What would be a good way to
administer discipline but no to the detriment of morale? Martius was clear that discipline must be
maintained. Under the circumstances, he suggested that the band and his men work together on
“formation drills” when an appropriate time arrived. I agreed and decided to wait to coordinate
with Martius. In the meantime, for the benefit of the Wolves’ morale and the success of the
project, I would contain my displeasure until a more appropriate moment.

At approximately 9 PM that evening, a disturbance occurred in the camp. I left the barracks to
investigate and found many people upset by the murder of the master ostler! Upon failing to return
in a timely manner from checking on the penned-up oxen, several journeymen went to the pen and
discovered the man with a dagger in his chest and an iron mail gauntlet nearby. Both items were of
low quality, undoubtedly foulspawn material. People began to fear that the camp was now being
menaced by foulspawn. The fear was heavy in the air and it clouded reason. If foulspawn were
present, the oxen would have panicked yet they were calm. Therefore, since foulspawn were not
present, how did one of their daggers and mailed gauntlets find their way to the master ostler’s
body? Again, I suspected involvement by the Dwergaz and a secret door but did not voice the
thought. I did suggest quietly to Rufina that she fan out from the pen and look for tracks leading to
the Kyg. Upon examining the ground, she found no tracks but did suspect that the body was
placed where it was found after being assaulted.

The master ostler’s body was moved into the camp then examined by Valeria and Hilarious.
Indication of a blow to the back of the head was discovered which would lend credence to Rufina’s
assertion. The attacker must have approached the master ostler unawares, struck him in the back of
the head, moved him, then stabbed him without noise while he was unconscious. The Band
discussed the situation, made many suggestions, and as usual, came to no consensus.
Hilarious made casual mention the he knows there is a secret entrance in the forest to the East of
the Kyg. What else about this mystery might he be concealing?

I spoke confidentially with Martius, repeating my suspicions of the Dwergaz. Reignum Grim-
Helm was not seen departing the camp for the fight with the foulspawn but he was seen there and
returning. He must have used the secret passage I suspected and Hilarious mentioned. I suggested
to Martius that I take a member of the Band and scout the forest east of the Kyg. We had clues but
no answers. I felt I needed to try something to find answers. Perhaps locating a secret passage
would provide those answers. Martius agreed that I should try.

At sunrise the next morning I took Hilarious with me to the eastern woods since he said he knew
a passage was there. What slim hope I had in finding a passage was met with steady pessimism,
sarcasm, and passive-aggressive comments from Hilarious about how were would not be successful.
When I attempted to discuss a theory I was forming around Reignum, whose son was slain by
human brigands, Hilarious interrupted me, and not for the first time, to thoroughly refuse to
consider my idea. He was belligerent and disrespectful. I ended the discussion, quite disappointed
with Hilarious’ attitude. And I found no trace of a secret passage.

The next night brought more misfortune to the camp. The master ship wright was murdered in
his sleep! A shadowy form was reported by the 2nd Company guard, Merius, moving through the
camp and into the gatehouse from which it did not emerge. There must be a secret door in there

The following morning, all of the Wolves were ordered to search the woods east of the Kyg.
Tranquillo faced a near-revolt from his workers who were convinced foulspawn were now stalking
the camp at will. Unsurprisingly, the search produced no results.

Martius later vented his displeasure with the entire situation which neared desperation from the
threat of a workers’ revolt. I told Martius of my intent to search the East gatehouse for a secret
door that I am convinced is there. The Band will use hammers and tap for hollow sounding spaces
or other sounds and clues which might reveal the door.

When I returned to the Band, they briefed me on a plan they devised to protect the remaining
three masters in the camp. Hilarious was particularly insistent as the plan was mostly his. This
revealed another aspect to how his mind works as he seemingly places more value on his ideas than
those of others. The concept was sound but the plan was unnecessary as Martius had men guarding
them already.

The next morning, the 4th day of Firemoot, Merius was not found at the conclusion of his nightly roving patrol. A search of the camp was launched whereupon I took the opportunity to gather the Band then proceeded to the gatehouse to conduct the search. I eventually discovered that part of the wall sounded different when struck with a hammer. Something must be hidden there – a secret door!
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Post August 2nd, 2020, 1:35 am

Lucián DeGarmo
Entry X

The Band searched for triggers, plates, knobs, buttons, and anything else that might cause a secret door to open but to no avail. After staring at the wall for some time, myself and Rufina noticed that faint outline of a roughly 5’ doorway given away by the seams in the stone weren’t filled with dirt as the rest of the bricks. After pointing it out to the rest of the band, Hilarious estimated that the door would open only from the other side and there is no way for us to open it from our side. That would indicate that the shadowy shape that entered here after murdering the master ship wright was working with an accomplice.

Discussion ensued amongst the Band. As always, I was content to hear ideas. One suggestion was to set up an ambush to try and catch someone coming or going through the secret door. Under other circumstances I would have agreed. But the situation in the camp and with the project was dire. I preferred to try and access the secret door now rather than wait and allow time for another person to be murdered. I ordered Ottavio and Vel to take sledgehammers to the area we identified as a secret door.

In short order, a few of us noticed a journeyman walking into the Kyg. Rufina left to follow him. In the meantime, the hammering made a lot of noise and began to draw stares. I stood at the entrance of the tower to use my rank as a sign that what was going on was under orders. At this moment, I was unconcerned with how much noise was being made nor for niceties. We needed answers but if we couldn’t get them, I would settle for stirring the pot, so to speak, to potentially force the issue with the Dwergaz.

Vel and Ottavio’s efforts began to pay off as a brick was knocked out of the wall which caused the entire secret door to move outwards some four inches. The suspicion was confirmed! Soon after, my prime suspect, Reignum, emerged from the Kyg, dressed for battle and carrying an imposing axe. He looked most displeased. Rufina followed him but not too closely.

Reignum walked to me and demanded to know what was going on. Though my heart was pounding, I told him, without flinching, that we believed we had found a secret door that the perpetrator of the recent murders may have used to make an escape. I watched his reaction carefully. Reignum spoke no denials, offered no objections to my statement. His only reaction was to angrily order Vel and Ottavio out of the tower. Vel departed immediately but Ottavio attempted to engage Reignum in conversation. The old Dwergaz was no longer interested in talking so I motioned Ottavio out of the tower. Reignum then declared the tower was now off limits. A reaction I found interesting as this was the first real clue discovered for the problems that plagued the project that Tranquillo and the Dwergaz crown prince want completed. I am no scholar of Dwergaz culture, but if a crown prince wants something, it would seem reasonable that those under his authority would strive to fulfill that desire.

In short order Martius stood beside me. I briefed him on what transpired then he departed to have a “firm conversation” with Tranquillo and the Dwergaz consulate. In the meantime, the Band occupied its time by conducting patrol through the camp. I made certain my patrol route, which Ottavio joined, kept the tower entrance and Reignum in sight. After a short while, Reignum reset the secret door by pushing it back into its setting in the wall then reentered the Kyg.

Some two hours after Martius left for his conversation, Vamrear Grim-Helm emerged from the Kyg, armored and carrying a rather large hammer, then announced the Band has been summoned to a meeting with Martius, Tranquillo, and the Dwergaz consulate upstairs in the Kyg. Upon arrival, Martius called me forth then introduced me to Lord Thrafil Black-Hide. I paid respect to the elder Dwergaz with a deep bow over the objections of my wounded abdomen.

Tranquillo announced that every laborer would join the Wolves in camp security for the next four days while the Band is to investigate and find answers to the problems which have plagued the camp. He also stated that should we fail, the bridge project will also fail, and he will be ruined. If Tranquillo is ruined then most likely so would be the reputation of the Wolves as a whole and Martius. I am determined to not let that come to pass!

I was given leave to confer with the other members of the Band, who were not granted an introduction to Lord Thrafil. My conversation had two purposes. First, to convey what had been tasked. Second, to feed enough rope by way of the simple question, “Can I count on you 100%?” to see if everyone would commit by spoken word before witnesses to do their utmost or hang themselves. All of them pledged their support. Except Hilarious. He wanted to have a discussion on-the-side as soon as possible. I could not count on him in the battle. Now I knew I would not count on him for this investigation.

I returned to the assembled leadership and delivered the acceptance of the task. While doing so, I made certain to exercise towards Lord Thrafil a fair degree of tact and diplomacy for the hopes of success for the project which might then turn into a stepping stone for better relations between our peoples. I could not be certain, but I had the impression that when Lord Thrafil spoke his native tongue in response, he may have tried to sound and look slightly intimidating. I stood my ground and did not avert my gaze as what we are trying to accomplish is for mutual benefit. The last statement from Lord Thrafil was to the effect of asking if I would appreciate a guest in my home breaking down my doors. My response was sincere and straightforward when I replied, “If murders were being perpetrated in my home, I would welcome the help.”

The Dwergaz planned to conduct their own investigation which would be led by Vovradrid Back-Hide. She would also serve as our liaison to the Dwergaz. We were dismissed, escorted out by Vamrear, and accompanied by Vovradrid.

Once we were outside the Kyg, I bowed as a show of respect. She said that the bow was unnecessary as she was not royalty but I insisted on showing respect to our link with the consulate. We discussed circumstances of the situation. I hid nothing, even going so far as to voice my suspicion that Reignum could be behind the goings on. Two things happened at that moment. First, Vovradrid’s stony composure, common among the Dwergaz, cracked. Second, Hilarious horse laughed me in front of the Band and Vovradrid.

Enough was enough. I immediately relieved Hilarious of duty and confined him to the barracks. He probably didn’t realize it, but he had just removed himself from the investigation as far as I was concerned.

I continued discussion with Vovradrid which prompted her to take us back into the Kyg. We walked past the sentry point where Vamrear stood guard and into a room in which Vovradrid showed us the entrance to a secret passage that she stated would lead us to the secret door in the east tower we discovered earlier in the morning. The mechanism for opening the secret door in this room was a sconce that could be rotated by varying degrees, back-and-forth, upon the wall.

Opening the door revealed a descending stairway, some thirty feet in length. I took the torch from the sconce and summoned Rufina and Ignatius, trackers of the Band. At the bottom of the stairs we found two sets of Dwergaz-sized clothes and boots, all muddied from recent activity. Vovradrid told us this passage had been sealed for some time so I made certain to show her the clothes and boots to let her examine the scene for herself. Since only the Dwergaz knew of this passage and its entry points, I asked her how could the Dwergaz-sized clothes and boots have gotten there?

Rufina and Ignatius went first into the passage, the floor of which was muddy, to look for any signs which might serve as clues. I trusted them most of all as they have yet to disobey me. After some ways, the passage branched to our left. I decided to continue onwards. We would explore the side passage on our return. The passage ended a ladder shaft that ascended some thirty feet. Ignatius noticed at knee level on the left side of the passage a section of stone which, upon examination, could be moved. We all believed the section of stone to be some soft of trigger mechanism. Ignatius worked the stone which resulted in some sort of mechanical clicking from up the shaft.

I noticed that the rungs of the ladder were coated with relatively fresh mud; a strange happenstance for a tunnel that was supposed to have been sealed for some time. Being careful to not apply new mud to that which coated the rungs, I removed my boots and climbed, using only the outmost edges of the rungs. At the end of my climb, I found three mechanisms which allowed for the opening of the secret door in the east tower. This confirmed the shadowy shape Merius witnessed entering the gatehouse had an accomplice. There are no less than two Dwergaz responsible for the troubles.

The section of wall with the missing brick that served as the secret door moved away from me after I worked the mechanisms. I decided to reset the door in the hopes of maintaining as much security as possible for the remaining Dwergaz after the guilty were apprehended. The opportunity for improved relations between our peoples can't be neglected.

I descended the ladder, put on my boots then shared everything with Rufina and Ignatius. Multiple murders had already occurred. If I happened to meet some untimely end, then the investigation could continue. I sought their opinions, ideas, and feedback; none was forthcoming.

We backtracked to the point where the passage split then turned to explore. I noticed a slight upwards slope to the floor. Soon the plentiful mud ended and a set of booted tracks were easily seen. The tracks looked as though one person had walked in the direction we were headed then returned. I advised Rufina and Ingatius to walk with their feet apart so as to not disturb the trail. We continued walking until the passage ended at a small room, no wider than the height of a man, that contained more mechanisms on a wall. When worked, the mechanism opened three shutters to the exterior of the Kyg facing the gorge. The openings created by the shutters were too small for a man or a Dwergaz to enter or exit the Kyg but when I noticed the location was very near the point at which I rappelled into the gorge to search for missing tools, it became only too apparent that this was the location from which the tools were disposed. The noise of the river below would have concealed any sound made by the tools hitting any stone on their way down.

I shared this thought with Rufina and Ignatius then we all marked the shutters’ location relative to the exterior should we need to visit them from there. We then carefully made our ways back to the staircase. Upon returning, we found Vovradrid and Vamrear in a somewhat heated exchange. Though none of us understood the language, it was clear Vamrear was highly displeased with us. Rumors since the Dwergaz arrival said that Vamrear and Vovradrid are brother and sister even though they possess different clan names. The rumors also indicated they are not close. The heated exchange seemed to support that assertion.

A near score of minutes passed before Vovradrid returned to the Band to speak. Vamrear was greatly unhappy that humans were granted access to the inner working of the Kyg. Showing the passage to the Band did not so affect Vovradrid. It stands to reason that we would not be shown the door and passage without Lord Thrafil’s consent. Vamrear’s protests were noteworthy, especially since he often stood guard to the room that contained the secret door to the passage.

I shared our findings and observations of the trip through the passage with the rest of the Band and Vovradrid then asked her to use reason and logic to interpret the circumstances. While she admitted the circumstances could lend themselves to Dwergaz involvement, she would not speak against any of her kind without sufficient evidence. My theory requires proof but at least Vovradrid appears to be keeping an open mind.

Discussion continued for a while longer with Ottavio asking many questions. I was pleased to see another member of the Band, even a probationary one, taking a more active role in the investigation with me. Another secret passage existed but it was thought to be trapped as one of the Dwergaz, allegedly a master engineer, failed to disarm a trap and was killed by it. I would very much like to see this passage even though Vovradrid is reluctant to permit it. As the conversation continued, I decided to press my luck for information. After mention of the common practice of Dwergaz harvesting body parts from foulspawn, which Reignum was seen doing, I made a provocative comment that “only fools and the insane seek a fight where none exists.”

This tactic worked well with the Band when in the meeting hall with the camp leadership and the Dwergaz consulate. When asked if I had their support 100%, Hilarious failed to say YES. When combined with his insubordination, disregard for my theory, his pessimism, sarcasm, and disrespect, I decided I could not count in him when matters were most dire. I hoped to glean some insight with Vovradrid with my statement.

I may have overstepped the bounds of diplomacy with Vovradrid as she seemed somewhat annoyed. In her reply she stated I would probably find all Dwergaz to be insane regarding the foulspawn. At this, I wondered. If such irrationality exists within the minds of Dwergaz, what then of the mind of one whose son was slain by humans?

After finishing her response, I apologized sincerely for my apparent breach of etiquette as my intent was not one of offense. But sometimes the proper word, statement, or suggestion can provide some insight which might otherwise remain undiscovered.

With our conversation ended, I returned the torch to its sconce. Vamrear escorted us out of the restricted area as Vovradrid resealed the secret door then went her separate way.

As the band departed, Hilarious wished to speak with me, apparently unhappy with being confined to the barracks for the last several hours. I granted his request. Perhaps I was overly optimistic, but I hoped that a few hours to cool his heels would have provided an opportunity to reflect on his attitude. I was wrong. Hilarious told me I should start the conversation. However, he asked to speak with me. I did not allow him to dictate to me. I said nothing until silence compelled him to speak and seek answers from me. Regarding my dissatisfaction with his recent performance, he disagreed as seems to be his natural inclination towards me and my position as First Sword.

When offered enough rope to figuratively hang himself with the question, “Can I count on you 100%?”, Hilarious did just that. I ordered him to perform guard duty in the barracks during the day shift. Martius wanted someone from the Band to be present outside his chamber door at all times. Since Martius commanded the night shift and slept during the day, this was an opportunity to discipline Hilarious by confining him to the barracks while still having him perform a useful duty by guarding the door to Martius’ chamber. He objected, of course, and threatened to go to Martius. I hoped he would as it will provide an opportunity for the malcontent to further hang himself by attempting to get out of performing the guard duty that Martius ordered. It will also serve as a test for Martius. Will he back my call or undermine my authority when I administer disciplinary measures to try and keep the order that he himself said must be maintained?
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

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