Domain Change

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Posts: 26
Joined: December 3rd, 2018, 6:57 pm

Post July 29th, 2021, 1:30 pm

Just an FYI for everyone as to the status of the site recently. Long story short, my domain was up for registration renewal and the card on file had expired so I went in and renewed with a new one. Not realizing it, the invoice that was shown on my account was for server hosting, not the actual domain itself. So even though I thought I renewed everything, I only renewed my server hosting, by the time I realized the domain expired on July23rd, it was too late to renew that specific one.

I just grabbed a new domain name, minus all the hyphens and "and", settling for a shorter version. Nothing on the site/forum was lost, everything should be as it was, let me know if you run across any issues. You will have to set your bookmark to the new domain or create a new bookmark in your browser, but otherwise shouldn't have any further inconveniences.

During this time I was also able to update the forum software, I also made a slight change to the background image properties. The background is now static and doesn't move when you scroll up or down in the forum. I also found some spam user accounts that were created before the site went down, with the current approval setup they couldn't access any threads or posts, no harm, no foul; deleted them easily enough.

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