B/X Project

A section for posting creative ideas, house rules, or other custom design info.
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Post January 22nd, 2024, 8:59 pm

Way back in 2014, when I was still active on DF, I did an update project for the Gamma World 1st Edition rule book. I literally copied and pasted the original text and images from whatever PDF was available at the time, dropped it into a word doc, reformatted the text with a current font and then spit it all out into a legible PDF as close to the original as possible.

Recently I thought about giving B/X similar treatment, assuming I don't run into any unforeseen technical snags that prevent progress in doing so. A few years back, there were posts on various forums and media sites about the B/X Black Edition, someone combined both sets for B/X into a single volume. Great idea, but the one downside were the PDFs used. Even though they look ok, they still could have been improved by going through the process I'm looking at doing.

A short while back I tested the waters by converting a couple pages from the Basic book. It is something I would like to complete in 2024, but I honestly have no idea when it would be complete. If/when I get everything done, I plan to have the single volume printed from Lulu. Below are two screen shots of the original the PDF (left) and my updated pages (right) using Word and Adobe.

The first image shows a page with the same font, just a bit lighter than the original. The second page shows the same font, closer to what the original PDFs used. Not sure which one I like best. You can right-click each image and either download them or open in a new tab/window to get a better view.

“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post March 9th, 2024, 10:54 am

Tough call!

The contrast on the left makes the font pop a bit better for me but the softer white and cleaner font on the right is easier on my eyes. I guess if I had to pick, my uneducated preference would be the right hand side. But, only because of ... reasons. ;)

email: vandack@crusaders.quest
Discord: @demontracker (Vandack)
Only Thing We Have to Fear, is Fear Itself ... and what lurks in the darkness when our last torch fizzles out.
~borrowed from FDR

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