Aihrde Campaign Setting

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Necron 99
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Post October 6th, 2019, 3:46 pm

I'm currently reading through the Player's Guide to Aihrde and Codex of Aihrde.

Val Eahrakun (Greater Gods): creatures made of the All Father’s labors in the Void
  • Amenut, The Frog God - Good - Water, Earth, Knowledge
  • Burol, The Stone God - Neutral - Stone, Mountains, High Places, Open Air
  • Corthain, The Justice Maker - Lawful Good - Law, Good, The Wind, Prairies
  • Ealor, Lord of the Seas - Chaotic Good - Oceans, Salt-Water Bays, Seas
  • Ea-Raena, The Moon - Neutral - The Night Hunt, Light in Darkness
  • Ea-Vette, The Sun - Neutral - Seasons, Rain, Weather
  • Firthnach, The Cobbler - Neutral - Beginnings, Foundations, Adventure, Travel, Dangerous Journeys, Risky Endeavors, Chance
  • Frafnog (Dragons), Lord of Dragons - Neutral/Chaotic Evil - Knowledge, Lore, Fire, Rage, Vengeance
  • Grotvedt (Gnomes), Black Earth God - Neutral Good - Earth, Gnomes, Farmers
  • Heth, The Crow God - Neutral - Air, Afterlife
  • Hroth, The Earth Mother - Neutral - Earth, Soil, Roots
  • Imbrisius, The Mistress of Our Pain - Chaotic Evil - Chaos, Evil, Torture, Slavery
  • Kamat, The Wolf God - Chaotic Neutral - Age, Disease, Death
  • Kekki, The Snake God - Chaotic Evil - Evil, Time, Wasting Away
  • Let, The Hart - Neutral - Hope, Last Gasp, New Beginnings
  • Lythe, the Farsighted Handmaiden of Mordius - Neutral - Noon, Quiet, Stillness
  • Mordius, Mordius of the Green - Neutral - Wisdom, Patience, Plants, Animals
  • Narrheit, The Abyssal Lord - Chaotic Evil - Chaos, Destruction, Misery, Deception, Carelessness
  • Nunt, The Fish God - Neutral Evil - Underworld, Water, Lakes
  • Ornduhl, The Red God - Evil - Chaos, Command, Death, Destruction, Evil, Magic, Trickery
  • Pe-Besat, The Boar God - Chaotic Good - Contest, War
  • Tefnut, Hand Maiden of the All Father - Lawful Neutral - Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, Ethvold, Deltas, Estuaries, Earth
  • Toth, Master of the Path - Neutral - Death, Knowledge, Magic
  • Tuatheal, The Voice - Neutral - Song, Youth, Morning
  • Unklar, The Horned One - Lawful Evil - Command, Evil, Law, Darkness, Winter, Unchanging, Undeeps
  • Wenafar, The Faerie Queen - Good - Stars, Elements, Fey, Wilderness, Halflings, Animals, Birds
  • Ynul, Handmaiden of Mordius - Neutral - Early Evening
Val Austlich (Lesser Gods): creatures and magics forged from the Language of Creation by the Val Eahrakun
  • Aenouth (High Elves), Mistbane - Lawful Good - Air, Wind, Knowledge, Magic, Open Spaces
  • Amenexl (Dark Fey), The Red Thorn - Evil - Trickery
  • Athria, The Birth Mother - Lawful Neutral - Rivers, Birth, Death, Fate, Gardens, Foretelling
  • Burasil - Chaotic Good - Fire, Strength, War
  • Crateus, The Sword Ruler - Chaotic Evil - Chaos, Destruction, Murder
  • Durendale, The Avenger - Lawful Good - Good, Law, Strength, War, Iron Mongers
  • Glorianna, Mistress of War and Battle - Lawful Neutral - War, Honor, Nobility of Spirit, Sacrifice
  • The Holy Twins, Adrius/Zernius, Toda/Virda - Lawful Good - Law (Toda) and Good (Virda)
  • Ogoltay (Goblins), The Fat One - Chaotic Evil - Goblins, Hatred
  • Ore-tsar, The Horse Lord - Neutral or Neutral Good - Peace, Nature, Agriculture, Home, Revelry
  • Rhealth, Blackheart - Neutral Evil - Thieves, Rogues, Pirates
  • Wulfad (Halflings), First Walker - Chaotic Good - Trails, The Hunt, Pursuit
Val Tulmiph (Demi-Gods): beings who's deification is based on their own deeds, destiny, or well-earned power
  • Angrim the Black (Dwarves), The Black Dwarf - Chaotic Evil - Chaos, War, Secrets, Locks, Hidden Places
  • Aristobulus, The Counselor - Chaotic Neutral - Magic, Power, Chaos
  • Augustus, The Warlord - Lawful Neutral - War, Strength, Contest, Battle
  • Daladon Lothian, Lord Protector of the Forest - Chaotic Good - Forests, Wilderness, The Lost, Homeless, Hapless
  • Dolgan (Dwarves), The Forge King - Chaotic Neutral - Forge, Iron Working, Unbending Strength
  • Falkenjagger, The Hanging God - Lawful Good - Revenge, Justice, Knowledge
  • Kain, The Abyssal Duke - Chaotic Evil - War, Chaos
  • Nulak Kiz Din, Mongroul - Lawful Evil - Magic, Power, Evil, Mastery, Law
  • Setiva - Neutral - Redemption
  • St. Luther, The Gallant - Lawful Good - Confession, The Dreaming
  • Utumno (Twilight Elves), Lord of Nightmares - Neutral - Nightmare, Twisted Paths, Trickery
  • Urnus Gregaria, The Minstrel - Lawful Neutral - Music, Poetry, Yarns
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Necron 99
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Post October 8th, 2019, 10:15 pm

The People of Aihrde (player races)

The dwarves were created from the All Father’s rage and frustration. He tried to create the creatures of his mind’s eye and could not, destroying his hammer upon the anvil in the attempt. In rage he shaped the raw stuff of creation with his hands and thus the first dwarves came to be. They were called the Earegorth, “The First Born” for they were the first peoples of the All Father and for that, were cast in his image. They scattered across the world and, unlike all those who had come before, they set to mimicking the All Father and shaping the world to their own desires. In time they grew numerous and built kingdoms far and wide across Aihrde. There were 14 great kingdoms and these spawned a host of lesser kingdoms.

Gnomes are an offshoot of the dwarven family tree. They are the third oldest of the peoples of Aihrde, coming after the dwarves and goblins. Somewhere in their history, the gnomes became distinctly different from their dwarven cousins. They lived largely above ground and became smaller in stature. They are very adaptive to new terrains and environments. The gnomish population suffered greatly during the Age of Winter Dark. Tolerated, they lived on the fringes of society and established a soon-to-be thriving trade with the powers of the dark. This adaptation led to gnomish society evolving into tight knit clans.

In the early days of the dwarves, when that diverse people began to build kingdoms underground, a great part of Faulerde remained beneath the open skies: some dwarves, some giants, but the greater part of them neither dwarf nor giant. These people, called Men, did not take to the teaching of the All Father, but rather divested themselves in the worship of Mordius. They were generally taller, though not as great as their giant kin, nor as stout as their dwarven cousins. They migrated to all corners of the world. Eventually these peoples became numerous and distant from their ancestors; few, if any, realize their origins. The humans settled in far more climes than the dwarves, almost as many as the giants. They are hearty and versatile, adapting to their new homes where ever they lay. Early in their history they divided, moving to different locales, and have ever since been associated with 13 tribes, or divisions: six greater and seven lesser, each very different from the other.

Long after the dwarven kingdoms were founded, the physical form of the All Father ceased to be, and his mind opened upon the world of Aihrde and gates to other realms were laid bare. Thus it was with the Land of Seven Rivers, Shindolay, where dwelt the elves. A realm born of his dreams, Shindolay had long housed the elven folk. They came of the same thoughts and design that had created Wenafar in the deeps of the Void, long before the world came to be. So, when they came to Aihrde, Wenafar knew of them and sought them out. She took the fledgling people under her wing and nurtured them. For many long years, within hidden vales and great forests of the distant east, the elves thrived. Their people grew in numbers, as did their wisdom, for the goddess taught them all they would need to know. They developed a deep understanding of the world and befriended many of the sentients who still remained. They took other deities too, and in those forgotten lands lay the foundations of a great people. In time the elves grew numerous and fractured, and small bands settled throughout the wide world and became involved in local affairs.

The first record of the halflings comes in the year 614 AE when they were hired to work wagons for the city fathers of Avignon, but it is known that they have dwelt in Aihrde for many centuries before that. When the All Father fell they came to Aihrde by the many gates that opened up upon his splintered mind. Where they came from even they could not say, but they took to the wilds with ease. By and large halflings have always kept to themselves and avoided all traffic with the other peoples. They quickly mastered many crafts including animal husbandry, carpentry, metal smithy and others. Thus they lived without history, avoiding almost all the folk of the world until the domination of man. By that time, their clans had become more numerous and they took their rightful place at the table of the free peoples of the world, settling in cities and towns or creating their own. Soon halflings were as common as any of the other peoples. They never founded their own kingdoms, however, but lived in the midst of others.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Necron 99
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Post October 8th, 2019, 10:22 pm

The People of Aihrde (non-player races)

When the All Father breathed life into the dwarves upon God’s Forge, his breath spilled out upon the discarded giants, so life came to them. They were many and varied, some taller than others, some wider, and so on. Many wandered away into the wilds and these spread far and wide and they were the first of the Faulerde to see the world. Some, though, stayed and listened to the All Father teach the dwarves the Language of Creation. Others turned to others of the Val Eahrakun and from them learned different skills.

The goblins came to Aihrde early in the world’s history. As is told, the dwarves were plentiful and tunneled beneath the world. They scattered far and wide, so much so that many lost contact with their fellows, living out their days in solitude far from their kingdom’s halls. They became removed from the discoveries of other dwarves, lingering in the past as their cousins moved into the future. Ornduhl found them thus, and made easy prey of them. He twisted them and breathed words of sorcery into them, so that they changed and evolved. In time they too became plentiful and they spread beneath the world. They chose a king and queen and their queen became a horrible beast of corrupted evil that laid living eggs by the hundreds. In short order, the goblins spread across Aihrde.

The orcs came to the world in a rush of chaos. They were many, confused and without leaders, and so they fled into the shadows upon their arrival. They lay hidden from the world, tunneling deep into the earth and watched it for many years until at last one of their number, Agrol, took courage and ventured forth. He was a huge beast who slew some men with a rock and took their plows. These he battered into shapes more usable and returned to his people. They flocked to him and he guided them into the wilds of the far east, beyond the Channel Lakes. In the deep mountains that men call the Marl, he settled into a wild and broken country. The orcs scattered over the wide empty land and built crude houses and forts, and they lived thus for many centuries, coming into contact only rarely with others. Their songs speak of wars with giants and other creatures but little of them are reported in the histories of the dwarves or men.

A mindless people that dwelt beneath the earth, lizards with wide eyes and long tails. Narrheit took them under his wing and gave them minds of their own. In time they bred and grew in numbers to haunt the dwarves and goblins in all that they did.

The trolls of Aihrde evolved from the sentients of old and were the first peoples to walk the world. Trees, bent and evil, whose hearts were twisted long ago, were driven from their forests and into the wilds by their kin. These trees evolved over the millennia and were common enough when the first of the Faulerde walked the world. In time they became creatures altogether different than their ancestors and they bred and built lands of their own and many forgot their ancestry and cared not for what came before. The first of their kind, Ineng, is worshiped by other trolls as a god. All trolls share a common longing for the quiets of the deep woods. The gentle sounds of brooks and creeks linger in their minds and can, at times, charm them. When trolls die they return to stone, though some who are very old root to the world, returning to the tree-like forms of their ancestors.

Before the forges of Klarglich were made, before the hounds of darkness issued forth from Aufstrag, and long before the mogrl were crafted in the Pits of Woe, Unklar fashioned the ungern. When first he came through the portal, Unklar slew the high priest Nectanebo. After that, he fell upon the emperor’s guard and the god-emperor himself. All fell to the Horned God with an ease that made that beastly creature forever after hold great disdain for the folk of the All Father’s fashioning. Immediately he gathered to him the substance of the Void and with the language of his Father, he crafted the ungern, the “black spawn.” Some say that they were born of a union between the dark fey and wild evil men enslaved in Unklar’s service, but this is not so; they are of the Val Austlich, those creatures forged from the Language of Creation and the Val Eahrakun, of which Unklar was one of the Named. The Judgment of Corthain does not bind them and the ungern move freely about the planes as few other creatures can.
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.” - Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Post October 13th, 2019, 3:32 pm

I picked up the Players Guide to Aihrde... mostly for extra info on the gods & demi-gods and the extra spells. Good stuff!
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

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Post December 5th, 2020, 12:29 am

Definitely enjoying seeing more of Aihrde in Captain Blood's Roll20 C&C game. Good job, Captain!
“Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” - Carl Sagan

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