Dungeons and Dragons: DM Advice and other stuff
Posted: October 27th, 2021, 1:01 pm
I was reading through the Blue Expert (Mentzer) Box Set rules and came across a section that I thought was good advice to DMs, in regards to wandering encounters. I like randomness in the game, much more so than railroading or any sort of planned "story". But, I also think that the DM should be making logical calls in addition to balancing the dice as they fall where they may. Below seems to echo that sentiment.
I like that Dwarves top out at 12th level, Elves at 10th level, and Halflings at 8th. According to the book, when characters reach these levels, it is suggested that they begin building a stronghold. Personally, I think these levels are good for, essentially, retiring the character. You can get in a lot of great adventuring between 1st and 12th level (even if a halfling continues adventuring while sitting at 8th).
I especially enjoy the text as it describes a halfling's stronghold:
Irrelevant to any of that, some other things I've picked up on while reading through the rule books:Overusing Dice
A common error while Dungeon Mastering is the use of random dice rolls to determine everything. An entire evening can be spoiled if (for example) an unplanned wilderness encounter on the way to the dungeon goes badly for the party. The DM must use good judgment in addition to random tables. Encounters should be scaled to the strength of the party and should be in harmony with the theme of the adventure.
The DM may choose a number within the given die range rather than roll for the amount of damage, number appearing, etc. This may be necessary to allow for a more enjoyable game; heavy damage early in the game may spoil some of the fun.
I like that Dwarves top out at 12th level, Elves at 10th level, and Halflings at 8th. According to the book, when characters reach these levels, it is suggested that they begin building a stronghold. Personally, I think these levels are good for, essentially, retiring the character. You can get in a lot of great adventuring between 1st and 12th level (even if a halfling continues adventuring while sitting at 8th).
I especially enjoy the text as it describes a halfling's stronghold:
The stronghold will attract a whole community of other halflings if constructed in a place suited to their preferences. Halflings prefer to live in pleasant areas of fair country sides near rolling hills and gentle streams. When not working or adventuring, halflings will spend most of their time eating, drinking, talking with friends, and relaxing. Their communities are called Shires, and their recognized spokesman is called a Sheriff.